Solomon Son of David (type of Christ—Matt. 1:1, 12:42) 1 Chronicles 22:5-16 David taught him to love wisdom v.12, Prov. 4:3 2 Chron. 1:1-12 He asked God for wisdom James 1:5 After making most important decision without God 1 Kings 3:1-5 Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Prov. 1:7 David’s final advice 1 Kings 2:2-9 Solomon ties up loose ends 1 Kings 1-2
Solomon Famous for wisdom—God was glorified 1 Kings 10:9, Deut. 4:5-7 Famous for foolishness 1 Kings 11:1-8 Even strong men defeated by women Prov. 7:26 Wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon Properly applied knowledge: family, work, money, people, character, service to God Purpose of life Eccl. 12:1-14 Joy of life Jesus came to give abundant life John 10:11