Research at UTS 2015 RESEARCH 1
Importance of researchers “A strong and vibrant research workforce is paramount to Australia’s future prosperity.” Research skills for an innovative future, 2011 Federal Government report. Demand for research qualified workforce projected to grow at faster rate than overall employment demand from now until 2020: number of employed individuals with a doctorate by research qualification alone expected to rise by 3.2 per cent per annum over this period. Recognised that research and researchers will drive innovation and productivity across Australia. 2
UTS Research Strategy Summary >UTS aims to become a “world-leading university of technology”. >Increase its research performance and intensity to place it at least in the top 10 universities in Australia >UTS research aims to benefit business, government, the environment and communities at home and abroad
Strategic elements – Research Strategy International Communications Researcher Dev Culture Approach Direction 4
Research Investment Strategy: Key Expected Outcomes Strong research performance in chosen areas, ie. researcher performance, research outcomes/impact, metrics, and income Strong brand and reputation for research excellence, impact, link with teaching and innovation Increased partnerships & collaborations Research culture permanently embedded throughout UTS Increased number & quality of research students 5
2015 research priorities Continue to build a vibrant research culture Research is integral EXCELLENCE External research engagement Innovative partnerships Managing for performance Increasing international research partnerships and engagement Teaching Research integration