Welcome to Sophomore Bible. His Story Just In Time Welcome to Sophomore Bible His Story Just In Time Unit 1 Lesson 13-14 Dunbar Henri
Verse for the day Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Announcements Major Project Monday, February 6 – Don’t Forget. That is a week from TODAY! You have the rubric – so do your best and get the grade you want!
Student will be able to: Examine the spirit of humility and trust that led to Solomon's early success as king; Analyze the attitudes and choices that led to Solomon's downfall; Examine Solomon's prayer and God's reaffirmation of His covenant promises at the dedication of the temple; Explore Solomon's return to god in the later years of his life; Illustrate the importance of a wise and discerning heart today. Understand the factors that caused the division of Israel; Examine the political strife and spiritual confusion caused by the division of Israel; Recognize that Jeroboam introduced idol worship in Israel; Contrast the principles that can be learned from the reigns of Hezekiah (best) and Manasseh (worst); Analyze the consequences of Hezekiah's request for healing and the subsequent encounters with the Babylonians.
We move from David –to a Divided Kingdom David was a man after God’s own heart – and yet, there was so much sin in his life. What caused him to be a man after God’s own heart? His realization of his sinfulness and his not making excuses for his sin. Therefore – WE can be men and women after God’s own heart – IF we have the same attitude of our sinfulness.
You will look at Solomon – David’s and Bathsheba’s Son After admitting his inexperience to lead – he asked for a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. 1 Kings 3:9 He asked for something that would benefit other people. He asked for the ability to discern right from wrong. Right and wrong do exist – to find out – prayer, study and common sense.
Solomon’s finest hour may have been his building of the temple for the Lord. Took 7 years to complete. However, we find that he spent almost twice as long building a house for HIMSELF. Self-exaltation and pride began to creep in. He started to marry foreign women who worshiped other gods – as his wives turned his heart from the Lord – 1 Kings 11:4.
Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes In his old age – Solomon ends the book in this way: 13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Complete Into the Bible AND P. 106 #1,2 To turn in by the end of class Complete Handout Lessons 13, 14 for tomorrow.