Pacific-American Climate Fund
Goal: Increase adoption of climate change adaptation measures and improve resilience in 12 Pacific Island nations.
Pacific-American Climate Fund Objectives: 1.For improved natural resource and water resource management; and 2. For livelihood development and income diversification. These two objectives directly support USAID’s overall objective of strengthening the resilience of Pacific Island communities as well as Strategic Objective 2 of USAID’s Global Climate Strategy, with an emphasis on increasing resilience through strategic investments in climate change adaptation.
Pacific-American Climate Fund Key Activities: 1. Establish a grant-making facility that will openly and competitively fund proposals for adaptation measures; 1.Manage and administer grants consistent with USAID grant guidelines and procedures; 2.Provide resources for managerial and financial capacity building to grantees; and 3.Capture and disseminate best practices learned and proven technologies at the community level.
Pacific-American Climate Fund MICRONESIA 1.Kiribati 2.Marshall Islands 3.Federated States of Micronesia 4.Nauru 5.Palau MELANESIA 1.Fiji 2.Papua New Guinea 3.Solomon Islands 4.Vanuatu POLYNESIA 1.Samoa 2.Tonga 3.Tuvalu
In 2013 awarded a contract to in association with To establish, on behalf of USAID, a transparent grant- making facility to provide and monitor gender- responsive climate adaptation grants to 12 Pacific Island nations.
Pacific-American Climate Fund GRANTS Available to legally registered non-sovereign civil society organisations (local, national, international entities) operating in the 12 countries May award grants to organisations with experience with experience project on; a. improving natural resources and water management; and b. enhancing livelihood development and income diversification Funding Categories Category 1: up to US$150,000 Category 2: US$150, 001 – US$1 million Category 3: US$1,000,001 – US$3 million Three (3) Stage Grant Process Outreach/ Program Launch & Pre-Bid Workshops Concept Paper and Full Application Development Capacity Building
Pacific-American Climate Fund GRANTS cont … Screening and Review Process Application are evaluated: a. according organisational eligibility and technical feasibility, and specifically b. legal registration, c. experience, d. alignment and potential contribution to Pacific-American Climate Fund goal and objectives and USAID’s global climate strategy, e. indicative budget. CONTACT DETAILS Website: