CHAPEL Flipping through the Bible
SWORD DRILL! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
FIND “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me,” Exodus 20:5
18 JEROBOAM AND REHOBOAM Israel Torn in Two 1 Kings
SOLOMON PUT OTHERS ABOVE GOD Foreigners Idols Broke the first and second Commandments
ISRAEL TO BE TORN IN TWO God spoke to Solomon Jeroboam (Work Force Leader) Prophet
SOLOMON DIES Rehoboam King Jeroboam (Work Force Leader) – Lighten the Load Rehoboam Seeks Council Wise men – Be Nice and they will serve you Friends - Be harder and they will have to listen
ISRAEL SPLIT Israel rebelled against Rehoboam Jeroboam (Work Force Leader) – Made King Rehoboam only had Judah and Benjamin
MORE IDOL WORSHIP Jeroboam – Made Golden Calves Bethel-Dan Kept people out of Jerusalem (Rehoboam Land)
THE WARNING TO JEROBOAM Jeroboam -evil Family end People scattered
Israel 0 Good 19 Bad KINGS OF ISRAEL - PROPHETS Judah 8 Good 12 Bad
18 JEROBOAM AND REHOBOAM Israel Torn in Two 1 Kings
REVIEW 1.God Created the World 2.Man Fell in Sin 3.God Flooded the World 4.God Spread the Nations 5.God Made Promises to Abraham 6.God Tested Abraham 7.Jacob Becomes Israel 8.Joseph led Israel into Egypt 9.Moses brought Israel out of Egypt
REVIEW PAGE 2 10.Commandments weren’t followed, so they wander 11.Joshua led the armies of Israel 12.Judge Gideon leads the army 13.Ruth shows God can use anyone 14.Saul first king of Israel 15.David – A man after God’s own heart 16.David sinned and was forgiven 17.Solomon the King who had it all 18.Idols were worshiped, Israel is split in two