Wisdom and Hope In the Apocrypha
Ecclesiasticus The Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira
Existing Texts Hebrew – ca. 190 BC Qumran and Masada, Cairo Genizah Greek – 2 versions Grandson’s translation ca. 132 BC Latin Old Latin (1-43, 51) ; Vulgate (full) Syriac Based on revised Hebrew
Outline Grandson’s Prologue Other Prologue Proverbs [Sir 1 – 42:14] Part One [Sir 1-24] Part Two [Sir 25:1 – 42:14] Works of the Lord [Sir 42:15 – 43:33] Famous Men [Sir ] Conclusion [Sir 50] and Appendices [Sir 51]
Siracides 1:1-42:14 Some subjects Wisdom [1:1-10; 24:1-29] Mortality and Immortality [14:11-19; 41:11-13] Physicians [38:1-15] Artisans and intellectual life [38:24-39:11] Apocalyptic “addition” [36:1-“22”]
Sirach 42:15-43:33 Similar Passages Psalm 104; 1 Enoch [only in Ethiopic church’s Bible]; Job 36:24 – 39:30 Concepts and images Preservation and Pairs (42:21-25)
Ben Sira Introduction [ 44:1-15 ] Pre-Abrahamic [44:(16-) 18] Abraham – Nehemiah [44:19 – 49:13] 44:19-23 Mostly Pre-Flood [49:14-16]
Conclusion Simon the high priest Building Vestments Sacrifices Blessing Praise Sir 50:22-24 Plea for unity Three peoples Colophon
Appendices Sirach 51:1-12 Prayer of Jesus son of Sirach Hebrew addition Fourteen praises Sirach 51:13-30 Delight in wisdom
WISDOM Of Solomon
Structure of Book Book of judgment [1 - 6] Book of wisdom [7 - 9] Book of history [10-19]
Justice and Immortality The ungodly: Wisdom 2:1-5, The righteous: Wisdom 3:1-9 Reversal (of fortunes) Wisdom 4:10-15; 5:1-8 rewards and punishment
Figure of Wisdom [6-9] Connection with immortality Wisdom 6:17-21; 8:17-21a Attributes of Wisdom Wisdom 7:22-30
Wisdom in History From creation to the sojourn in Egypt [10:1-14] The Exodus [10:15 – 11:14] Destruction for Egyptians and Canaanites [11:15 – 12:27] Origin and consequences of idolatry [13-15] Contrast of Israelites and Egyptians [16-19]
2 Esdras The Ezra Apocalypse
2 Esdras 4 Ezra 2 Esdras 3-14 Jewish Apocalypse 5 Ezra 2 Esdras 1-2 Christian – in Latin only 6 Ezra 2 Esdras Christian – in Latin only
4 Ezra 3 dialogues about God’s Righteousness 3:1-5:20; 5:21-6:35; 6:36-9:26 Transition – prayer and vision 9:27- 10:59 3 visions Exposition of Daniel 7 13 man from the sea 14 Ezra as second Moses
Topics Suffering and God’s justice 2 Esd 3:20 – 4:6 Visions 2 Esd 11:1-17, 36-42; 12:7-16, Torah and apocrypha 2 Esd 14:1-6, 19-22, 37-48
Christian Additions 5 Ezra 2 Esd 1:24-27, Esd 2:33, Relationship to questions of 4 Ezra? Cf. Paul to Romans 6 Ezra 2 Esd 16:18-34 Is this Christian? … in the Bible?
4 Maccabees Appendix in Greek Old Testament Original Title: “On the Supremacy of Reason” Expands on martyrdom stories of 2 Maccabees Contrast wisdom and apocalyptic approaches to persecution