To 160 th Ave Church of Christ
Solomon’s Story: 1Kings Chapters 1-2; Solomon anointed as king after controversy with Adonijah Chapter 3; Solomon is given a request, he requests for wisdom – A wise request (prov. 16:16; How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver). – A gracious response (1 Kings 3:10-14) – Great wisdom demonstrated: “It’s my baby”
Solomon’s Story: 1Kings Chapter 4; Description of blessings and prosperity – Wealth detailed (great daily provisions) – Horses and chariots numbered (Peace from war) – Great wisdom demonstrated (proverbs, songs, people coming to hear of his wisdom) Chapters 5-9; Building God’s temple and his royal Palace – Chapter 5; materials acquired (cedars/skill from Lebanon) – Chapter 6; Beauty of the temple described (gold) – Chapter 7; Construction of the furniture in the temple – Chapter 8; The ark of the covenant brought to the temple – Benediction and sacrifice as the temple is dedicated. Chapter 10; Solomon’s wisdom/wealth illustrated – Queen Sheba – Silver as nothing
Solomon’s Story: A Sad Ending Chapter 11 – Marriage with foreign women and influence to idolatry (vs. 1-13) – Adversaries raised up against Solomon Hadad the Edomite Rezon Jeroboam – A Summary of his reign Reigned 40 years Slept with his fathers Jeroboam reigned in his place
Strong Men Can Fall Solomon – A man given wisdom by God – A man who had wisdom about the temptations of women (Prov. 7) David – A man of great faith – “A man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22) Paul – 1 Cor. 9:24-27 All men can fall – We are never immune to temptation – We cannot relax – Gal. 6:1
We are NOT Solomon Neh. 13:23-27 If it happened to them how will that turn out for us? “It won’t happen to me”– the words of a fool! We must be MORE careful! “Being strong is not just being unaffected by temptation, there is strength in knowing/avoiding weaknesses.”
Don’t Intermarry with “Pagan Women” Commands in the OT: – Exod. 34:11-16 – Deut. 7:1-5 The purpose of the commands Provisions made for converts (Exod. 12:48-29) Principles in the NT: – 2 Cor. 6: “Do not be unequally yoked” – 1 Cor. 5:6-8- “A little leaven…” – 1 Cor. 15:33 “Bad company corrupts good morals”