Turkish metal artwork dates as early as the 2nd and 3rd century BC in central Asia.
Metal artwork reached its pinacle in the Ottoman Empire with the making of weaponry, such as swords, helmets, armour, dagger and knives.
For domestic ware, copper or copper/zinc was the material of choice although bronze, silver and gold were also used.
Like the other branches of art, the Ottoman art of metal at the outset took over the Seljuk cultural heritage.
The conquest of Istanbul in 1453,constituted a turning point in metal arts.
The Ottoman art of metal found its own unique style in 16th century.
Besides the traditional motifs such as the plaited frieze, tree of life, Seal of Solomon flowers and fish observed on copper objects of the period
Fine examples in pieces such as the coffee sets, ewers, trays, jugs and mirrors that were so popular during this period.
Late 18th century and 19th century metalwork in contrast appears to reflect entirely western taste.
Some examples of decorative metal objects can be seen in museums in Istanbul.