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How to View this Presentation : 1. Give yourself a few minutes of uninterrupted time. 2. Use a couple of minutes to Center yourself. Breathe. Relax your limbs. Open your palms. 3. Presentation begins automatically after about 30 seconds – sit back and enjoy the show! (Click or press Space Bar to stop or pause presentation; click Down Arrow or Page Down to continue. Presentation is over when black exit screen appears – click at anytime to stop the presentation.) This Presentation is a Gift to You from Spirit as inspired to us at Spirit Heart Creations. While copyright protected, you may share this presentation in its entirety by forwarding the file, or request a file via to us at Just ask for the Stream of Well-Being presentation. ©2008 by Spirit Heart Creations
Spirit. I Am. We Are. One.
The Universal Stream of Well-Being Flows Through Me… I always have everything I need… I have Unlimited Resources from the Universe…
The Grace, Favor, and Blessings of GodSpirit flow over me constantly… I am gratefully aware of God’s Presence and Activity in my life always… I am free from worry or fear for I know God is active in my life, providing for every possible need or desire…
My home is a happy and loving place… Every need or expense is abundantly met… My family is very happy in our home… We have everything we need to take care of our home and keep it in perfect condition… We love taking care of our beautiful, happy, home…
I am thankful for having transportation readily available whenever I need or want it… Every need for my vehicle is easily met, from gasoline, to oil changes, to total maintenance, including insurance and taxes… I am thankful for transportation!
The Abundant Universe always brings to me exactly what I need…All I have to do is think with Gratitude, Ask, and I receive… Good things flow to me effortlessly… I have all the money and material things I could ever want or need… I am rich with material abundance… I overflow with Spiritual Abundance and Prosperity… God is my Source of Everything Good…
I am peaceful, calm, and serene… My life is peaceful, calm, and serene… My family is loving and happy, peaceful, calm, and serene… We greet each day with Love and Gratitude… We are grateful for God’s guiding Presence and Protection at all times…
God’s Purpose for my life unfolds beautifully… I use my Gifts of Spirit to help my family… I am a Source of Spiritual support and Love to others…I get paid very well to help others… My services are rewarding and helpful…People are happy to receive the services I provide… God and the Angels provide all the encouragement and support I need…
I have all the money I could ever need… All my bills and expenses are paid in full… I have plenty of resources to share with others… I love being debt-free… I love being able to help others with money… I love being able to buy others gifts… I am grateful to be able to buy whatever I need or want when I need or want it… I love being Financially Free…
I am so grateful that my life is unfolding in beautiful harmony… My family is happy and healthy… We are a happy, loving, peaceful family and we love helping others… Our lives are good and just keep getting better!
I enjoy the Journey of Life… Life is an open road and I am guided… God supplies ALL my needs in Overflowing Abundance! Thank You, God, that this is so now!
Thank You, God, for making me… healthy… happy… prosperous… loving… kind… gentle… compassionate… everything You created me to be…
Thank You for sharing this experience. We hope it helped you remember the True Source of All Your Supply and that all you have to do is turn to that Source with Faith and Trust, continuing to act as you are Guided, and Receive with Gratitude. “25Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon, in all his splendor, was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” ~ Matthew 6:25-30 ©2008 by Spirit Heart Creations.