Do Now: write a sentence on what you think we will be learning about today REAL SELF IDEAL SELF SELF- CONCEPT.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now: write a sentence on what you think we will be learning about today REAL SELF IDEAL SELF SELF- CONCEPT

Learning Objective: to understand and apply comparisons between psychological approaches ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A)

Starter Q: What’s better the iPhone or a BlackBerry? How far can you progress? ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A)

Learning Objective: to understand and apply comparisons between psychological approaches ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A)

Introduction: exploring some examples... Comment, explain, exemplify...? In pairs / threes you need to decide which comparison between the behaviourist approach and cognitive approach is: A comment An explanation An exemplification THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS WHY – What are the key words for explaining? What are the key words for exemplifying?

Learning Objective: to understand and apply comparisons between psychological approaches ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A) Do you UNDERSTAND the difference between comment, explain and exemplify?

Main Activity: Away Groups Each group has a comparison point to make You also have the information you need from each approach, remember this is about APPLYING your UNDERSTANDING of this skill You don’t necessarily have to use ALL of the information You have your post-it note ONLY to make a note of how you are going to produce an ‘A grade’ (exemplified) comparison comment YOU ARE NOT WRITING IT UP IN FULL YET JUST DISCUSSING HOW YOU WOULD GO ABOUT IT!

12A TODAY YOU ARE WORKING IN NUMBER GROUPS Green Devon - 1 Katie H - 2 Demi - 3 Joe - 4 Louise - 3 Orange Katie B 1 Danielle -2 Christy - 3 Emma - 4 Clare - 1 Blue Emily M -1 Chloe -2 Olivia -3 Jake - 4 Macauley - 1 Yellow Caragh - 1 Sarah -2 Brittany – 4 (this lesson only) James-2 Kacey - 4

12D TODAY YOU ARE WORKING IN NUMBER GROUPS YELLOW Alice -1 Danielle - 2 Lucy - 3 Charis - 4 GREEN Megan F - 1 Louise - 2 Abbey - 3 Faith - 4 ORANGE Munashe -1 Sophie -2 Aidan - 2 Emily – 3 Becka - 4 PINK Mark - 1 Niamh - 3 Megan C - 2 Chloe - 4 BLUE Helena – 1 Mary-Jane – 2 Jennifer - 3 Ehlana - 4

12C - TODAY YOU ARE WORKING IN NUMBER GROUPS BLUE Jess - 1 Emma - 2 Callum - 3 Amber - 4 YELLOW Jemma -1 Rebecca -2 Beth R - 3 Amy - 4 ORANGE Beth J - 1 Kate - 3 Abbi - 2 Alex - 4 WHITE Katie - 1 Beth K - 2 Luke - 3 Chris -4 RED Danny - 1 Lewis - 2 Chloe -3 Alana - 4

Learning Objective: to understand and apply comparisons between psychological approaches ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A) What level is the answer you have been discussing producing in your group?

Consolidating our knowledge Describe the humanistic approach in psychology and discuss differences between this approach and the psychodynamic approach (10 marks) You are now writing up a perfect A02 comparison paragraph for this essay based on the learning in your groups How far can you progress? ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A)

Peer Assessment Swap with someone who ISN’T in your away group You are going to assess what grade their piece of work has reached and WHY Decide on a grade and write a sentence explaining WHY you came to that decision Tell them how to improve if they didn’t reach the ‘some’ How far can you progress? ALL will be able to comment on a comparison between approaches (C) MOST will be able to explain a comparison between approaches (B) SOME will be able to exemplify a comparison between approaches (A)

Think – Pair - Share What have you done DIFFERENTLY today for the A02 part of your essay in comparison to how you wrote the A02 part of your essay for the exam? What is the key aspect you will remember from this lesson?

HOMEWORK: Describe the humanistic approach in psychology and discuss differences between this approach and the psychodynamic approach (10 marks) This homework activity is on St Marys psyweb All of the resources from today’s lesson are online Your homework is to complete this essay in full to enable you to build upon the skills you have started in class DUE DATE: 1 week today