TWS SAMPLE TEMPLATE Prepared by: Dr. Michelle Nieves Cintron
Table of Contents TITLESPAGES
Introduction Write a general introduction for the journal stating the purpose of the document, its contents, and justification. Cite (APA) a definition of TWS
PART I TC & Practice Group Profile
TC & Practice Group PICTURE Post your and your practice group picture here. PROFILE Write any information that you want about yourself and your students.
PART II Contextual Factors
Provide a narrative- like description of the school’s environment and practice group: school district community surrounding the school, school’s culture and social environment classroom physical resources teachers & support personnel group’s organization characteristics of the practice group practice group learning styles practice group learning weaknesses and strengths based on diagnostic test tabulation and results practice group interests students with special needs in the practice group other important elements Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Evidence Post your nucleus study & group profile Use hyperlinks
Reflection # 1 Write a deep reflection about the importance of these contextual factors in the teaching-learning process and how these impact your students’ learning. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
PART III Learning Goals
Describe, explain, and exemplify the English Program’s learning goals based on the following documents: PRDE documents: Circular Letters (English Program Circular Letter 2008), Laws (NCLB, Law # 149), Content Standards and Grade Level Expectations (2007), English Curriculum Framework (2003), Pruebas Puertorriqueñas, etc.) Teaching methodologies (required and non required teaching approaches stated in the English Program Circular Letter 2008) Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Evidence Post evidence on how your students achieve learning goals in the three (3) standards. (Listening/speaking, reading & writing). Hyperlink
Reflection # 2 Write a deep reflection about the importance of ESL learning goals for my practice students and how they understand, react, and show awareness of these goals. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
PART IV Design for Instruction
Describe, explain, and exemplify one thematic unit you created based on your students’ learning needs and interests. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Evidence Post the thematic unit. Hyperlinks
Reflection # 3 Write a deep reflection about the overall experiences your students had with that thematic unit in class, how they benefited from it, and how it impacted their learning experience. Use WORD (hyperlink)
PART V Assessment Plan
Describe, explain, and exemplify all the assessment techniques used in the thematic unit to monitor and evaluate your students’ learning. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Evidence Post samples of your students’ performance in the completed assessments throughout the thematic unit. Hyperlinks
Reflection # 4 Write a deep reflection about how your practice group responded to these assessment strategies used in this thematic unit in terms of attitudes, class performance, and effectiveness. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
PART VI Instructional Decision-Making
Describe, explain, and exemplify in what instances (at least three examples) you had to make instructional decisions to eliminate, add, modify, or change the lessons in the thematic unit and/or assessment techniques to comply with your students’ learning needs, interests, strengths, or weaknesses congruent with the required content. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Evidence Post evidence that shows in which way students’ performance encouraged you to make these decisions. Hyperlinks
Reflection # 5 Write a deep reflection about how these decisions benefited your students’ learning. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
PART VII Analysis of Students’ Learning
Describe, explain, and exemplify in what instances you realized that after correcting and analyzing your students’ work some or most of them did not meet the proposed objectives and you had to make modifications to the thematic unit to comply with the lesson’s objectives. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Evidence Post evidence of students’ results before and after you analyzed their demonstration of performance. Hyperlinks
Reflection # 6 Write a deep reflection about how your students benefited from this analysis and the importance of dealing with students’ diverse needs and interests in their learning process. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
PART VIII Core Areas
Post four activities carried out in the practice teaching that fostered in students the opportunity to demonstrate the following core areas: DIVERSITY, CREATIVITY, LEARDERSHIP, and SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Reflection # 7 Explain providing narrative examples of how your students elicited these aspects in the activities carried out. (Show evidence) ex; case study, special project, activities carried out in the classroom, etc. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
PART IX Evaluation & Reflection
Self-reflection # 8 Write a narrative-like self-reflection answering the following questions: What does it take to be an excellent teacher? Evaluate your teaching performance. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher. Evaluate your interpersonal relationships with your peers, students, and community. What works for you and what doesn’t in terms of the teaching- learning process and why? How did your students respond to you? What positive and negative impact did you have on your students? How and why are you the best choice as a teacher for your students? What do you need to improve as a teacher for your students to learn effectively? What positive contribution can you provide to your student’s life? What needs to be changed so your students can achieve effective learning goals? Add any other aspect that helps you reflect upon your teaching practices as a main character in your student’s learning process. Use WORD (hyperlinks)
Show evidence of the positive impact you had on your student’s learning (ex; pictures, letters, works, etc.
Creative representation Create a collage or a creative representation of your overall experience in the Practice Teaching course.
Conclusion Write a general conclusion of the completion of this document and how it helped you reflect upon your teaching practices and your students’ performances in the teaching-leaning process.