April Homework Challenge Think about the goal you wrote down during last month’s meeting. Share your goal with your table group. What steps did you take to meet your goal? What more did you learn about students understanding of fractions?
Fraction Standards Progression Group 1: 1.G.3, 2.G.3 Group 2: 3.G.2, 3.NF.1 Group 3: 3.NF.2 a, b Group 4: 3.NF.3 a, b, Group 5: 3.NF.3 c, 4.NF.1 Group 6: 3.NF.3 d, 4.NF. 2
Small Group Directions Identify the big ideas in each standard. visual representations used expectations for students Consider the Standards for Mathematical Practice that might be particularly relevant (MP1, 3, and 6) Use the note taking form
Group Jigsaw Count off by 6’s Move to your new group based on your number. Use this opportunity to fill in your Fractions Standards note taking sheet. (15 min) Use a blank piece of paper to create a flow chart of the fractions progression. (10 min) Be prepared to share out.
3.NF.3 d and 4.NF.2 Consider these two standards… How do these two standards exemplify coherence? How do these standards round out the study of fraction as number?
Fraction Standards Progression 1.G.3, 2.G.3 Partitioning 3.G.2, 3.NF.1 Fraction as number 3.NF.2 a, b Fraction on a number line 3.NF.3 a, b, c, 4.NF.1 Equivalence 3.NF.3 d and 4.NF.2 Comparing Fractions
CCSSM Article Teaching in Grades 3 and 4…How is each Common Core State Standard for Mathematics different from each old objective? Teaching Children Mathematics, April 2012 Sharing the reading… ½ of the table read p. 498 – 502 ½ of the table read p
While you are reading consider… How is the process we went through in the session similar to what the authors did in the article to unpack the standard? How is the process for supporting students in meeting the standard, similar to what we’ve done in Milwaukee? Share out at your table. Be prepared to share out connections you discovered with the whole group.
Feedback for K-7 content: Feedback for K-7 content: Thinking back over the content sessions K- 7 (OAK2, Fractions) what insights have you gained about the CCSSM for students in grades K-2? As Mathematics Leader, how has this study impacted your work with teachers?