Broadening Leadership: Leadership Practices Broadening Leadership: Leadership Practices presented by Paul Pittman Don Kalmey
Understanding Leadership n Name at least two people who you feel exemplify excellent leadership. n For these leaders, list the characteristics and/or behaviors which you think make them effective leaders. n Break into three groups –Share the characteristics that you individually identified. –Brainstorm the things that you would expect a leader to do for their group. –Identify the top five for your group.
Assessing Yourself: Leadership Practices Inventory Total your results.
n Challenging the Process n Inspiring a Shared Vision n Enabling Others to Act n Modeling the Way n Encouraging the Heart Source:The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes & Posner
Challenging the Process n Search out challenging opportunities to change, grow, improve, etc. n Experiment, take risks, learn from mistakes n Others
Inspiring a Shared Vision n Envision an uplifting and ennobling future n Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to their values, hopes, dreams, etc. n Others
Enabling Others to Act n Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals, building trust, etc. n Strengthen people by giving power away, providing choice, developing competence, offering support, etc. n Others
Modeling the Way n Set the example by behaving in ways that are consistent with shared values n Achieve small wins that promote consistent progress and build commitment n Others
Encouraging the Heart n Recognize individual contributions to the success of every project, etc. n Celebrate team accomplishments regularly n Others
Scoring the Leadership Practices Inventory
Making the Connection
Reflective Questions: 1. Which practices do I or don’t I exhibit as a leader? 2. Which practices are most prevalent and which are most lacking within my area? 3. Which practices would most benefit IUS in achieving its vision?
The Power of Vision Videotape While watching think about: n the points that resonate with you personally n the things you want to challenge n the things that should be happening at IUS with regard to its vision and values
What did the tape mean to you?
Becoming a Better Leader 1. Write down the two practices that you can most improve. 2. Assess your emotional IQ. 3. What specific actions will you take over the next several weeks to improve in these practices and increase your emotional IQ?
n How do you feel about today? What did you get out of today? n Plus/Deltas