cogma : A Mobile Code Middleware for Ad hoc Networks and Ubiquitous Environment Nobuo Kawaguchi 21 st Century Center of Excellence, ( 2002— 2007 ) Information Technology Center, Nagoya University
Various services are embedded in the environment User can use them intuitively Coming soon!? A Middleware for various devices There are requirements for Ubiquitous Computing Environment
Ubiquitous Environment Many kind of information network devices –Sensors, Actuators, Servers, Terminals At any place, huge number of information devices –invisible information devices Services are implemented by cooperation of several devices –Context (place ・ environment) aware services Calm Computing –User does not required to understand the usage
To realize ubiquitous environment 1. Handle unpredictable dynamic change (addition/ deletion) of devices - Continue to serve cooperative service - Continue to serve cooperative service 2. Inter-device cooperation between devices which do not know about each other - Every year, new device comes. - Every year, new device comes. 3. Heterogeneous device/ network 4. Simplify the usage of the services 5. Reduction of environmental load by information devices
Middleware solution To satisfy the requirements some smart architecture is required. We have developed a middleware named “cogma” for easy development of cooperative device software.
Features of cogma Multiple Platform –Most of CPU/ OS ( Java / VP ) Multiple Network / Protocol –TCP/IP (Wireless, Ethernet), HTTP –Serial Dynamic Transfer of Software –Dynamic update Small Resource / Hardware –Less memory and High performance with VP
Agent System Embedded Manager Link Manager Application Agents Agent Manager Protocol Agents TCP Manager Ir Manager Control Agent Sensor Agent Management of Links Management of Codget Management of Embedded device Each module is implemented as Mobile Agent Structure of cogma Architecture
Target of cogma architecture Human to human communication support –Ad-hoc communication Human to Environment comm. support –Multimedia meeting support Inter device communication support –to provide a device cooperative ubiquitous service
Running Environment of Java based cogma OS:Windows, Linux, MacOS, PocketPC Language : Java ( JDK1.1.8) or Higher PersonalJava/ J2ME Code Size : Number of Files 220 Number of Files 220 Number of Classes 425 Number of Classes 425 Number of Lines 45000 lines Number of Lines 45000 lines Bytecode size about 660 Kbyte Bytecode size about 660 Kbyte
Design Concept of cogma Agent Networks Mobile Applications Intelligent Agents Application for supporting ad-hoc communications Construct a context aware ad-hoc network Smart agent technology for supporting calm computing
In the office Smart agent autonomously moves to PDA (Transfer a meeting data) Intelligent smart agent based on mobile software Let’s go to meeting! move to
In the meeting room Automatically transfer and present the data. Transfer the data to participants! Hey!
In the home At the home, prepare for tomorrow based on schedule. Tomorrow’s agenda will … It was hard day.. I’m Home!
cogma Applications VPcogmaSmartRoom Smart Meetings
Cooperation with industry
VPcogma VP = Virtual Processor –Works on multiple CPU/ OS Win32 / PocketPC/ Linux / T-Engine –High-speed using translator technology Java: –High productivity –Resource requirement is also high VP: –Need to develop in “C” –Low cost ( less memory ・ small CPU) Runs on intent (TAO corp. in UK)
Running Environment of VP cogma Windows PC Intel x86 1GHz Memory 512Mbyte Pocket PC XScale 400MHz Memory 32Mbyte
Running Environment of VP cogma T-Engine SH-3 96MHz Memory 8Mbyte
Running Environment of VP cogma OpenBlocks Linux PowerPC 405GP 200MHz Memory 64Mbyte
Running Environment of VPcogma VR4181A (Mips) 130MHz Memory 32Mbyte Linux
Requirements for Test bed Test in Real World Environment is required –Exemplify the usefulness –Cooperation of Appliances –Heterogeneous Networks –Long-term experiments Construct a Smart Room
Construction of the Smart Room ( 2002~ ) Heterogeneous Network A lot of devices are Embedded in the room
Construction of the Smart Room
Ceiling Lights(8) Brightness/Human Sensor(3) Networked PDP Temperature Sensor(15) Power Monitor(3) Networked Screen/Projector Humidity Sensor(6) Human Sensor(6) Matrix Switcher X10 Devices Multi Monitors(7)
Temperature Sensor, Human Detector
Temperature Sensor, Light Sensor Human Detector
Controller of the Sensor/Lights Devices are embedded
Heterogeneous Networks Full2wire network ( Matsushita Elec. ) –Lights LonWorks( Echelon ) LonMark Org. –PowerMeter ( Mitsubishi : EcoMonitor II) –Human Detector 、 Brightness ( Mitsubishi : MelSave NET ) MicroLAN( MAXIM ) –Tenperature / Moisture Sensor –Tenperature / Moisture Sensor ( Kihoku Elec. : MLtoLON through ) ( Kihoku Elec. : MLtoLON through ) Jan. 2004
Thermo Sen. x 15 Humid. Sen. x 6 Human Sen. x 6 Brightness Sen. x 3 Power Monitor x 3 LonWorks PC interface for 2-wire Network Ceiling light x 8 MicroLAN RS232C X10 Controller LonWorks 2-Wire Network MLtoLON MicroLAN LonWorks Sensor Server SensorDevice Codget cogma Device Server LIghtDevice Codget cogma X10Device Codget Power Line Networked Screen X10 Devices Display Server MatrixSwitcher Codget cogma PDPController Codget RGB Matrix Switcher Display Outputs x 10 PDP Display Inputs x 10 RS232C Ethenet
Data Acquisition using Cogma ←Temparature Power Consumption→
Smart Meeting System Simple Application for supporting Meeting –Embedded Devices in the room are incorporated ProjectorLightsPDA Multiple NotePCs Found neighbor embedded devices and control them.
Java based cogma Intent based VPcogma Hardware based μ cogma Servers Embedded Devices Human Interaction Devices Controller / Complex Devices Networked Sensors/ Actuators Grid Computing Application Server Dependable Computing PC, PDA Cellular Phone Information Appliances Device Controller Digital Devices Everyday life objects Sensor Actuators Billions 10Miliions Millions Triangle of cogma architecture
Found a venture company There is a HUGE gap called “Death Valley” between academic research and real world application or industries. To overcome the gap, we found the a venture company named “Ubigraph Co.Ltd” Only in Japanese, sorry productresearch
Conclusion A Mobile code middleware named ”cogma” helps to construct ubiquitous society. We have built “cogma room” to exemplify the middleware and applications. Found a venture company to deploy the software and ubiquitous solutions.