Developing a Quality Framework for Community Languages Schools Dr Tim Wyatt Dr Bob Carbines Erebus International “This project was funded by the Australian Government through the Schools Languages Programme administered by the Department of Education, Science and Training.
This Project Acknowledgment Acknowledgment “This product was funded by the Australian Government through the Schools Languages Programme, administered by the Department of Education, Science and Training.” Disclaimer Disclaimer “The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training”. Copyright Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia (2006)
Contents of the CD Rom The PowerPoint presentation to lead you through the workshop task The PowerPoint presentation to lead you through the workshop task A selection of planning worksheets to assist participants’ work in small groups as they develop the framework A selection of planning worksheets to assist participants’ work in small groups as they develop the framework Various samples of quality frameworks, providing element descriptors for each of the dimensions. These may need to be adapted for the Community Languages schools in your state/territory Various samples of quality frameworks, providing element descriptors for each of the dimensions. These may need to be adapted for the Community Languages schools in your state/territory
Community Languages Schools (CLS) Quality Assurance Framework Student Well being Monitoring & Evaluation Teaching Practice Family Participation Education Community Links Purposeful Learning Curriculum Leadership and Governance QualityCommunityLanguagesSchools
On the Journey………. There is common agreement about the value of a Community Languages Schools Quality Framework (Octagon) There is common agreement about the value of a Community Languages Schools Quality Framework (Octagon) The framework contains 8 key dimensions The framework contains 8 key dimensions
The Task To start today…… We will identify the key elements that make up each dimension of the Framework and the indicators that exemplify best practice in these elements We will identify the key elements that make up each dimension of the Framework and the indicators that exemplify best practice in these elements We will then develop the pointers and evidence for each dimension of a quality framework We will then develop the pointers and evidence for each dimension of a quality framework
Resources you will need….. Chart paper and marker pens Chart paper and marker pens Laptop computer to run the CD Rom Laptop computer to run the CD Rom Data projector Data projector Blutack to exhibit chart paper on the walls Blutack to exhibit chart paper on the walls Enthusiastic workers! Enthusiastic workers!
After each state/territory workshop……… Representatives from each state/territory will work with Tim, Bob and Stefan to combine the common features of each state/territory framework into a national framework Representatives from each state/territory will work with Tim, Bob and Stefan to combine the common features of each state/territory framework into a national framework Trialling of national framework in a sample of Community Languages schools to ensure the accuracy of the model Trialling of national framework in a sample of Community Languages schools to ensure the accuracy of the model
The Outcomes of the Process Publication of an agreed National Quality Framework for Community Languages Schools Publication of an agreed National Quality Framework for Community Languages Schools Provision of professional development in the use and application of the Framework Provision of professional development in the use and application of the Framework Development of plan to assist implementation of Framework in all Community Languages schools nationally. Development of plan to assist implementation of Framework in all Community Languages schools nationally.
The Purpose of the Framework Customized set of elements and pointers for Community Languages Schools Customized set of elements and pointers for Community Languages Schools External reporting and school self evaluation External reporting and school self evaluation Teacher empowerment, commitment and development Teacher empowerment, commitment and development Enhanced image and credibility of Community Languages Schools as complementary provider Enhanced image and credibility of Community Languages Schools as complementary provider
Some Challenges along the Way… Identifying the most appropriate use of the framework- national, state/territory, school Identifying the most appropriate use of the framework- national, state/territory, school Seeking alignment between the Framework and State/Territory requirements for registration/ accreditation Seeking alignment between the Framework and State/Territory requirements for registration/ accreditation
Some Challenges along the Way… Balancing the use of information from the Framework with existing school and student assessment data Balancing the use of information from the Framework with existing school and student assessment data Recognizing the demands on schools and their communities Recognizing the demands on schools and their communities
Key Indicator Dimensions Sample Elements Teaching Practice Lessons are prepared in advance Teachers communicate student expectations Teachers collaborate and work as a team Teachers display expertise and commitment Teachers exhibit confidence to address LOTE related issues Teachers work in positive classroom climates Teachers’ work is student outcomes focussed Teachers display a sound understanding of student development Are these the right elements for a Community Languages School?
Workshop Task In small groups: Consider the elements for the “Teaching Practice” dimension Consider the elements for the “Teaching Practice” dimension Are there any omissions? Are there any omissions? Could you improve the list of elements? Could you improve the list of elements? Use the sheets provided to create your own list Use the sheets provided to create your own list
Workshop Task Select one element and use the blank sheet provided to write 5 or 6 pointers for that element Select one element and use the blank sheet provided to write 5 or 6 pointers for that element (A pointer is a practical example of an element in action in best practice )
Workshop Task Element: Teachers collaborate and work as a team Pointers: -Teachers meet regularly to plan units of work and share ideas for evaluating student outcomes on the unit -Teachers regularly develop and share resources for students around common themes
What’s next ? Under the leadership of each state/territory coordinator, participants are asked to follow the same steps and develop the elements, pointers and evidence for each of the remaining dimensions of the quality framework Under the leadership of each state/territory coordinator, participants are asked to follow the same steps and develop the elements, pointers and evidence for each of the remaining dimensions of the quality framework Please prepare electronically and forward to by the agreed time. Please prepare electronically and forward to by the agreed