Structure of a Support Paragraph EGL 101
Function of Support Paragraphs To provide support for the thesis of your essay
Parts of a Support Paragraph Topic Sentence Support Point Details
Constructing a Support Paragraph First, write your topic sentence.
A Topic Sentence... expresses your attitude, idea, feeling, opinion, or point of view about a paragraph’s limited topic. The filmmakers ’ use of light and shadow to convey a sense of imprisonment is subtle but effective.
Constructing a Support Paragraph Second, write your support point.
A Support Point is... a sentence that previews the detail that follows. We are introduced to the artistry of this technique when ushered into Rick ’ s Caf é Americain for the first time, about 7 minutes into the film.
Constructing a Support Paragraph Third, add your details.
Details... exemplify or illustrate the point you want to make about the limited topic. It is night, and, for a moment, the camera focuses on the neon sign above the club; it blazes Rick ’ s Café Americain. Then the camera pans down to the front entrance as a beam of light sweeps across a set of double doors. The light source is from the airport tower about a quarter- mile from the club. Ostensibly, it is supposed to serve as a beacon for incoming aircraft. In fact, it functions as a searchlight from atop a guard tower. So, instead of scanning the skies for approaching airplanes, it is sweeping the streets for anyone who may be trying to escape the compound known as Casablanca.
A Constructed Support Paragraph The filmmakers’ use of light and shadow to convey a sense of imprisonment is subtle but effective. We are introduced to the artistry of this technique when ushered into Rick’s Café Americain for the first time, about 7 minutes into the film. It is night, and, for a moment, the camera focuses on the neon sign above the club: it blazes Rick’s Café Americain. Then the camera pans down to the front entrance as a beam of light sweeps across a set of double doors. The light source is from the airport tower about a quarter-mile from the club. Ostensibly, it is supposed to serve as a beacon for incoming aircraft. In fact, it functions as a searchlight from atop a guard tower. So, instead of scanning the skies for approaching airplanes, it sweeps the streets for anyone who may be trying to escape the compound known as Casablanca.