1 2014-2015 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council Boy Scouts of America.


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Presentation transcript:

Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council Boy Scouts of America

Popcorn Sale FUND YOUR SCOUTING EXPERIENCE! NEWNEWNEW The annual popcorn sale is critical in the continued success of your council and to many, many units across the Lincoln Heritage Council. The popcorn sale this year is going to be even more critical for all of us and we need every unit to participate! This year’s sale will offer NEW products, NEW prizes and NEW incentives! Questions? Contact Matt Abney ( or DATEITEM AUGUST 11 SHOW N SELL ORDERS DUE TO COUNCIL OFFICE AUGUST SHOW N SELL DISTRIBUTION* AUGUST 23 POPCORN SALE BEGINS OCTOBER TAKE ORDERS DUE/PRIZE ORDERS DUE/SHOW N SELL RETURNS NOVEMBER TAKE ORDER DISTRIBUTION* DECEMBER 8-10 MONEY DUE/SETTLE ALL ACCOUNTS WITH SCOUT OFFICE

OVER THE EDGE – SEPTEMBER 26TH It ’ s a bird. It ’ s a plane. No, wait ….it ’ s YOU! See what has everyone ’ s attention as you register to rappel 18 stories from the roof of the Marriott Louisville Downtown! HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? Sign up online: Get your friends, family, co-workers and social media followers to make donations in your name Promote the Over the Edge event and drive people to your online “ Edger Page ” Most importantly ….HAVE FUN WHILE SUPPORTING A GREAT CAUSE! Contact Matt Abney ( ) or for more

4 Cub Fun Day Freeman Lake October 4 th Starting at 9am EST Ending at 2pm EST ArcheryBB RangeFishingKnife Safety MarblesKnot TyingNatureCrafts


Fleur-de-lis Fling! 6 Friday, October 24 th More than an event…an Experience!! High energy adult celebration with themed decor, amazing food, live entertainment, live auction and more to benefit at-risk Scouts! Make it a date night for a favorite cause! Great couple & table pricing available. Register now at as seating is limited. Contact Cynthia Miles Brown, , for details Special thanks to Diamond Sponsor Hilliard Lyons! Event could sell out. Register now!

Fall 2014 Wood Badge 7 First Weekend: September Camp Crooked Creek Second Weekend: October 9-11– Tunnel Mill Wood Badge is a world-class leadership development program intended for all Scout leaders who have completed the basic training for their position. Sessions are all day and required.

Operation: Bobwhite September 26-28, 2014 Peabody Wildlife Management Area This is a special camporee for Boy Scout Troops only to help conduct a service project to build Bobwhite habitat for the KY Department of Fish and Wildlife. Limited to the first 300 Scouts and Scouters who register for this FREE event. Special fun activities will also be planned. Registration forms available soon at 8

Haunted Woods 2014 & Saturday, October 25, 2014 Registration Begins at 11:00AM Haunted Woods is a FUN event for Cub Scouts and their families. Events include: BB guns, Archery, sling shots, face painting, pumpkin painting, and hiking. A limited space available for camping Saturday. Dress for the weather. Haunted Woods is held rain or shine. Saturday, October 24, 2015

Commissioner Service 10 Commissioners are the communication conduit for unit leaders to the Council. Commissioners are experienced Scouters who help units access all the services that a local council offers.

Commissioner Key Dates 2014 August 8-9, 2014: Commissioners Retreat at Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation Saturday November 8, 2014: Commissioners College at Christ Church United Methodist, Louisville 11

Saturday, November 1, 2014 Camp Crooked Creek Multiple opportunities to win! Prizes include hams and turkeys, plus a chance to win a 2014 Spring Turkey or 2013 Fall Deer hunt at Camp Crooked Creek or Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation Saturday, November 7, Fall Turkey Shoot

Scouting For Food 13 Flyer Drop Off: November 15, 2014 Food Collection: November 22, 2014 Scouts throughout the Lincoln Heritage Council will be participating in the annual Scouting for Food project. Flyer Drop Off: November 14, 2015 Food Collection: November 21, 2015

Winter Camp 2014 at Camp Roy C. Manchester December 27 th -31 st A Unique Boy Scout Camping Experience Opportunities to Earn Merit Badges Special Training Opportunities for Scouts and Leaders Come as a Troop or as Provisionals SAVE THE DATE FOR 2015 December 27 th -31 st 14

Training WHAT MAKES A TRAINED LEADER? ADULT LEADER BASIC TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Youth Protection Training (YPT) (EL) - is a joining requirement for ALL leaders and must be taken every two years. Venturing Leaders must take Venturing YPT (EL) NOTE: Basic Training is required for ALL Direct Contact Leaders. CUB SCOUT LEADERS Cub Leader Specific Training (EL) BOY SCOUT/VARSITY SCOUT Leader Specific (or Troop Committee Challenge (EL) for Committee) Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills (not required for committee) VENTURING Venturing Leader Specific Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills (for outdoor Crews only) SEA SCOUT Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic (EL = Available on E-Learning page 15

RECHARTER 2015 ALL Scouting Programs Plan Now for 2015 recharter. Please review your recharter packets and instructions Aug. – Oct. need to:  Begin Collecting Dues and Fees for Returning and New Members  Correcting any information on existing members.  Submitting any new youth applications along with new adult applications with their Youth Protection Certification  Updating Youth Protection and Trainings for Adult Leaders and correcting information and submitting any new youth/adult applications.  Obtaining proper signatures on charter paperwork and applications Cub Packs should have a back to Scouting evening for returning members either prior to or in conjunction with new member recruitment. Online recharter access is open October 1 st. Submit no later than District Recharter/JTE Turn-Ins in Nov. 16

District Awards Dinner January 9 th at St. James at 6:30pm EST We will be recognizing some volunteers that help make our district a success! Be sure to nominate that special volunteer in your unit! We will also be recognizing our Eagle Scouts and their troops throughout our district. If you have Eagle Scouts in your troops, be there! 17

University of Scouting University of Scouting: one stop shopping for Scout leader training (basic leader training along with over 80 individual workshops to help you deliver better unit programming and take advantage of the services and facilities available through the LHC. January 24, 2015: Louisville Metro Area February 28, 2015: Western Service Area 18

Silver Beaver The Silver Beaver Award is presented upon action of a Council Executive Board. This award is for outstanding service to youth within the Council or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing within that Council. Leaders must be nominated no later than December 1, We will be presenting the Awards: Saturday, February 7, 2015

Council Youth Court of Honor 2015 To honor the Class of 2014 Eagle Scouts, Silver Awards, Quartermasters, Awards of Heroism and Merit, and the Venturing Leadership Award, the Council calls these honored youth together to show our pride in their achievements. Saturday, March 7,


Camp Card Sale 2015 Start planning now. Camp cards are a great way for your Scouts to pay their way to Summer camp. The card sells for $5 and the Scout keeps up to $2.50 per card. Sale Starts March 2015 Sale Ends May

Spring 2015 Wood Badge : First Weekend: March 19th-21 st - Camp Crooked Creek Second Weekend: April 9 th -11 th – Camp Crooked Creek Wood Badge is a world-class leadership development program intended for all Scout leaders who have completed the basic training for their position. Sessions are all day and required.

College for a Day University of Louisville Professors will partner with local Merit Badge Counselors, and the curriculum offered will be the BSA Merit Badge for that subject you get to Choose your top four courses! Scouts should not expect to complete Merit Badges on this day. A list of prerequisites will be sent to Scouts in advance. Saturday May 16, 2015 For more information contact Matt Nash or 24

2015 Day Camps 25 Day Camp is a great summer activity for Cub Scouts. It is a week-long experience where Cub Scouts can shoot BB guns, bows and arrows, learn about nature, do leatherwork and crafts, play games, sing songs, and do many more activities. July 6 th -10th

2015 Boy Scout Summer Camp Camp Crooked Creek 26 For more information or to sign up, check out If you have not reserved your spot for Summer Camp at Camp Crooked Creek for 2015, please call Brandy at Summer Camp Schedule Week 1: June Week 2: June Week 3: June 28-July 4 Week 4: July 5-11 Week 5: July Week 6: July 19-25

2015 Boy Scout Summer Camp at Pfefffer Scout Reservation 27 For more information or to sign up, check out If you have not reserved your spot for Summer Camp at Roy C. Manchester for 2015, please call Brandy at Summer Camp Schedule Week 1: June Week 2: June Week 3: June 28-July 4 Week 4: July 5-11 Week 5: July 12-18

2015 Aqua Base at Pfefffer Scout Reservation 28 If you have not reserved your spot for Aquabase 2015, please call Brandy at For more information or to sign up, check out Aquabase Schedule Week 1: June14-20 Week 2: June Week 3: June 28- July 4 th Week 4: July 5-11 Week 5: July Week 6: July 19-25

2015 Webelos Resident Camp 29 At Webelos Resident Camp, Scouts will participate in a variety of activities, including shooting sports, swimming, fishing, Scout skills, and much more. Many of these activities will help Scouts earn various Webelos activity badges and belt loops. Nights will be campfires, fun and games, and the tranquility of the Tunnel Mill, Roy C Manchester and Camp Crooked Creek. June 25 th - 28 th (TMR) July 2 nd – 5 th (TMR) July 9 th - 12 th (TMR) July 22 nd - 25 th (RCM) July 25 th 28th (CCC)

2015 Cub Resident Camp 30 At Cub Resident Camp, Scouts will participate in a variety of activities, including shooting sports, swimming, fishing, Scout skills, and much more. Many of these activities will help Scouts earn various cub requirements and belt loops. Nights will be campfires, fun and games, and the tranquility of Camp Crooked Creek, Tunnel Mill and Roy C Manchester. Session 1: July (TMR) Session 2: July (TMR) Session 3: July (RCM) Session 4: July 25 th -27 th (CCC)

2015 National Youth Leadership Training 31 NYLT brings together youth leaders from throughout our council to learn and apply the skills they need to be effective leaders in their Troops, Crews, Ships and Teams. NYLT discusses team development and leadership strategies to enable units to reach their highest performance level Session 1: June 7-12 (TMR) Session 2: June (WCH) Session 3: July (TMR)

Patriot Games Patriot Games is BACK! Plan now for your unit to participate in this event. You won’t want to miss this event! October FORT KNOX

Fall 2015 Wood Badge 33 First Weekend: September Camp Crooked Creek Second Weekend: October 9-11– Tunnel Mill Wood Badge is a world-class leadership development program intended for all Scout leaders who have completed the basic training for their position. Sessions are all day and required.

COPE & Climbing 34 The Lincoln Heritage Council offers various adventures for troops, teams and crews. Your unit can make reservations to use the Climbing/Rappelling Tower, Low COPE Team- building Course or the High-Ropes Personal Challenge Course. You are provided with facilitators and all of he equipment you need to complete you adventure at the COPE & Climbing area at Camp Crooked Creek. You can also reserve the course for non-Scout functions such as: -Birthday parties- Corporate Getaways -Family Reunions- Church Groups -Much More

Nightwatch 2015 Nightwatch is an all night adventure in Louisville! The co-ed group of participants are escorted around in busses taking part in many exciting activities. Additional information will be available Spring

Nguttitehen Lodge Order of the Arrow 36 The Order of the Arrow is the Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to: Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law Promote Camping Develop Leaders Crystallize the Scout Habit of cheerful service to others To get your Scouts and Leaders more information check out