Why and How Did We Get Here? o A New Instructional Model And Evaluation System o Timelines And Milestones o Our Work (Admin and Faculty, DET, DEAC, DTTT) Training Outcomes McREL Teacher Evaluation System The Performance Rating Scale The Professional Teaching Standards, Rubrics, and Evidence The Self Assessment
Understand McREL’s Teacher Evaluation System Know and understand the Professional Teaching Standards embodied in the rubrics Know and understand the rating scales used in evaluation Prepare for and fully participate in the self assessment component of the McREL Teacher Evaluation System
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post-Observation Conference 6. Post-Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre-Observation Conference 5. Observations
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post-Observation Conference 6. Post-Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre-Observation Conference 5. Observations
Using the Teacher Evaluation Rubric, the teacher shall rate his or her own performance at the beginning of the year and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year. Teachers own their self-assessment and can always go in and update it. Teachers share their self-assessment as an artifact of self reflection and it is part of their conferencing each year with their supervisor.
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post- Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre-Observation Conference 5. Observations
Before the first formal observation, the principal should meet with the teacher to discuss the teacher’s self- assessment based on the Teacher Evaluation Rubric, the teacher’s most recent professional development plan, and the lesson(s) to be observed. The teacher will provide the principal with a written description of the lesson(s). The goal of this conference is to prepare the principal for the observation. Pre-Observation conferences are required for at least the first observation.
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post- Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre- Observation Conference 5. Observations
A formal observation should last at least 40 minutes or an entire class period. Non-tenured Teachers The principal should conduct at least three formal observations of all probationary teachers (State may require four). Tenured Teachers Tenured teachers should be evaluated once annually, unless the district establishes a different evaluation cycle (State may require two). McREL Recommendations (policy may drive these procedural expectations)
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post-Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre- Observation Conference 5. Observations
The evaluator should conduct a post- observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation. During the post-observation conference, the administrator and teacher discuss the lesson as it relates to the teaching standards and the categorical ratings.
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post- Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre- Observation Conference 5. Observations
Teacher and Evaluator Discuss: Teacher’s self-assessment Evaluator’s rating of the teacher on the Teacher Evaluation Rubrics Artifacts and/or other documentation required by the evaluator Professional Development Plan for the next school year
Principal/Evaluator will: Give a rating (Not Demonstrated through Distinguished) for each element in the Teacher Evaluation Rubric; Make a written comment on any element marked Not Demonstrated; Give an overall rating of each standard; and Provide the teacher with an opportunity to make comments on the form. Review the completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with the teacher; and Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating From
We will use the current PDP for school year McREL PDPs consist of three levels, which are based on performance in the prior year. The District will begin to implement the new PDP in the spring of
STATE Ineffective Partially Effective Effective Highly Effective McREL Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished
Developing: Teacher demonstrated adequate growth toward achieving standard(s) during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance. Proficient: Teacher demonstrated basic competence on standard(s) of performance.
Accomplished: Teacher exceeded basic competence on standard(s) of performance most of the time. Distinguished: Teacher consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standard(s) of performance.
Not Demonstrated: Teacher did not demonstrate the competence on or failed to demonstrate adequate growth toward achieving standard(s) of performance. NOTE: If the Not Demonstrated rating is used, the principal/evaluator must comment about why it was used.
STATE Ineffective Partially Effective Effective Highly Effective McREL Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished
STANDARD I Teachers demonstrate leadership STANDARD II Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students STANDARD III Teachers know the content they teach
STANDARD IV Teachers facilitate learning for their students STANDARD V Teachers reflect on their practice
1.Turn to Page 13, McREL Teacher Evaluation System Manual; 2.Review Professional Teaching Standards 3.Look at how McREL Sample Evidence Document descriptors fit under the McREL Rubric, specifically under the Elements and Levels 4.Complete Activity: Assessing the Rubrics
In small groups, select one of the elements from the rubrics for STANDARD IV. Discuss the sample evidence in each categorical rating from developing to distinguished. Be sure to address the following: 1.Select the three most significant pieces of evidence a teacher might show to exemplify the rubric practices in each categorical rating. 2.If your group decides the most significant pieces of evidence are not listed, add to the list. 3.What phrases, words, and ideas do you need clarified? Record your group’s top three pieces of evidence in each categorical rating on the chart paper provided.
Start at your group’s chart. Rotate clockwise to the next chart when requested. You will have 4 minutes to review, discuss and post comments. Proceed to next chart as requested. End with your own chart, review comments posted and return to your seat. Discuss the comments posted and how they affected your thinking pertaining to the practices posted. Be prepared to share your response with the group.
1.Training 2.Orientation 1.Training 2.Orientation 8. Professional Development Plans 7. Summary Evaluation Conference & Teacher Summary Rating Form 6. Post- Observation Conference 6. Post- Observation Conference 3. Teacher Self- Assessment 4. Pre- Observation Conference 5. Observations
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