NWCCU Standards for Accredition The new process
Revised NWCCU Accreditation Standards New Standards: reduced from 9 to 5 Standard One--Mission, Core Themes, and Expectations Standard Two—Resources and Capacity Standard Three—Planning and Implementation Standard Four—Effectiveness and Improvement Standard Five—Mission Fulfillment, Adaptation, and Sustainability
New Accreditation Cycle: reduced from 10-year to 7-year cycle 2011 Year One—Submit a Year One Report to address Standard One Panel evaluation 2013 Year Three—Expand Year One Report to include response to Standard Two On-site Visit 2015 Year Five—Expand Year Three Report to include responses to Standards Three and Four Panel evaluation 2017 Year Seven—Expand Year Five Report to include response to Standard Five, plus review and update the response to Standards One, Two, Three, and Four to ensure that the comprehensive Year Seven Report is current and internally consistent On-site Visit
Components of Year One Report Standard One—Mission, Core Themes, and Expectations The institution articulates its purpose in the form of a mission statement and identifies core themes that manifest essential elements of that mission. It defines mission fulfillment in the context of its purpose, characteristics, and expectations. Guided by that definition, it identifies an acceptable threshold or extent of mission fulfillment.
I.A. Mission I.A.l The institution has a widely published mission statement—approved by its governing board—that articulates a purpose appropriate for an institution of higher learning, gives direction for its efforts, and derives from, and is generally understood by, its community. I.A.2 The institution defines mission fulfillment in the context of its purpose, characteristics, and expectations. Guided by that definition, it articulates institutional accomplishments or outcomes that represent an acceptable threshold or extent of mission fulfillment.
I.B. Core Themes I.B.1 The institution identifies core themes that individually manifest essential elements of its mission and collectively encompass its mission. I.B.2 The institution establishes objectives for each of its core themes and identifies meaningful, assessable, and verifiable indicators of achievement that form the basis for evaluating accomplishment of the objectives of its core themes.
What is a Core Theme? A core theme is a manifestation of a fundamental aspect of institutional mission with overarching objectives that guide: 1)Planning for contributing programs and services; 2)Development of capacity and application of resources to accomplish those objectives; 3)Assessment of achievement of those objectives. Collectively, the core themes represent the institution’s interpretation of its mission and translation of that interpretation into practice.
Format of Year One Report Section I: Mission and Mission Fulfillment (3 pp. maximum) Mission Statement Definition of Fulfillment of Mission Interpretation of an Acceptable Threshold or Extent of Mission Fulfillment
Format of Year One Report (cont.) Section II: Core Themes (3 pp max per theme) Descriptive Title Core Theme Objectives Indicators of achievement of the Core Theme Objectives Rationale as to why Indicators are assessable and meaningful measures of achievement Section III: Chapter One Summary (1 page)
University of Alaska--Anchorage Core Themes 1.Teaching and Learning 2.Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 3.Student Success 4.The UAA community 5.Public Square (involvement with and contributions to the community)
Carroll College Core Themes 1.Manifest Academic Excellence 2.Embody Catholic Identity 3.Integrate Community Life 4.Exemplify Stewardship
The University of Montana How do we proceed to identify by February 2011 our Core Themes & Objectives and Indicators? Accreditation Committee (from 2010) Academic Strategic Planning Committee Faculty, Staff, and Student Senates Open Forums