The Seven Adopted Service Programs of Lions Clubs International
“ Adopted Service Programs” exemplify the “We Serve” motto; exemplify the “We Serve” motto; are relevant to Lions clubs internationally are relevant to Lions clubs internationally fulfill a community or humanitarian need fulfill a community or humanitarian need achieve a measurable outcome achieve a measurable outcome provide “hands-on” involvement by Lions provide “hands-on” involvement by Lions include leadership roles for Lions include leadership roles for Lions promote public awareness of Lions promote public awareness of Lions are sustainable. are sustainable.
1. Community Services Habitat for Humanity projects for persons who are Blind or disabled Habitat for Humanity projects for persons who are Blind or disabled Lions ALERT Lions ALERT Lions Cultural and Community Activities Lions Cultural and Community Activities
2. Diabetes Awareness Community education Community education Diabetes screenings Diabetes screenings Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP) Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP) Recreational camps for persons who have diabetes Recreational camps for persons who have diabetes
3. Environmental Services Lions Environmental Photo Contest Lions Environmental Photo Contest Recycling Recycling Tree plantings Tree plantings
4. Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf Communication aids/ assistive devices Communication aids/ assistive devices Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP) Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP) Hearing Hearing
International Relations International Relations Club twinning Club twinning Lions Day with the United Nations Lions Day with the United Nations Lions Emergency/Non Emergency Assistance Lions Emergency/Non Emergency Assistance
6. Lions Opportunities for Youth Leo Clubs Leo Clubs Peace Poster Contest Peace Poster Contest International Youth Camps and Youth Exchange International Youth Camps and Youth Exchange Lions Quest Lions Quest Lions Services for Children Lions Services for Children Lions Young Leaders in Service Award Lions Young Leaders in Service Award
7. Sight Conservation and Work with the Blind SightFirst Education for persons who are Blind Eyeglass recycling LCIF’s Children’s Eye Photo Screening Lions eye banks Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes Vision screenings World Sight Day
Additional information is available: on the Lions Web site: on the Lions Web site: in the publication, Adopted Service Programs of in the publication, Adopted Service Programs of Lions Clubs International (IAD 223) Lions Clubs International (IAD 223) Telephone: extension 287 Telephone: extension 287