HRE 40 Understanding Sexuality
Minds on… With your elbow partner, discuss what the term sexuality refers to. Is a textbook definition (from a Catholic School) different from a secular societal definition?
The Story of Genesis We are created as sexual creatures Sexuality is integral to who we are – it is at the enter of being human. Therefore our sexual identity as male or female persons, is an intimate part of the original and divine plan of creation. The Genesis story also tries to exemplify the idea that sexuality is not something to be ashamed of…only when Adam and Eve turned away from God did they notice they were naked, and were ashamed.
Young Adults Sexual emotions / feelings are everything but faint as we grow into adulthood. Sexual attraction is overwhelming such that it can confuse emotions. Waiting for marriage to consummate love may be difficult, and uncomfortable.
St. Paul In his letters, Saint Paul recognized the dignity and greatness of sexuality. Paul felt that because the body is capable of loving fully, we must provide the body with loving nourishment to sustain and control our desires. Sexuality, he believed was not for selfish enjoyment that implies no commitment to another person. The church in response to this, agrees and teaches that being physically sexual should be done reverently and gratefully – not casually.
Sexual Distortions Body image – male and female – influences our own vision of contentedness. The media, in many of its forms, sexualizes whatever is being sold. This is done to send us into a frenzy of emotions – ultimately to purchase the product at hand. Watch the following ad…how is the sexualization of this ad used to attract the viewer?
Cadillac CTS
With your elbow partner… Discuss another way Cadillac could advertize this car. 2 – 3 groups will be asked to share your response…be prepared!
Caring for our Body What is the difference between caring for our body and appreciating our body? discuss….
Carl Jung - Psychologist Believed that all men and women have both male and female dimensions To become a whole person, you must bring awareness and allow it to be integrated into your personality. This idea is hinted at in the creation story – Maleness and Femaleness the story seems to say, were originally within the same creature – therefore we are meant to be united not separate.
Jung - Individuation He identified five primary functions of the psyche that are themselves archetypes, or universal patterns of experience: The persona The ego The shadow The anima The self
Persona Is an identity we hold and which we present to the outside world – we may hold several – career, mother / father, political identity, etc. This is not always a true representation of our inner self DISCUSS: Have and your elbow partner describe your personas. Are you happy with how people see you?
Ego Is our center of consciousness – In order to be conscious of myself, I must be able to distinguish myself from others. Relationships therefore, can only take place where this distinction exists.
Shadow Is an unconscious part of the EGO – for which we have wish to remain out of sight those qualities that one would rather not see in oneself, as well as unrealized potentials. The shadow is ultimately connected to the ID… Jung would characterize this as our ‘animal instincts’ Often described as the darker side of the psyche Chaotic and wild – the unknown
Amina Unconscious beliefs that relate to the opposite gender Essentially that dimension can influence our ability to be empathetic. Syzygy – male and female dimensions ‘the divine couple’
Self Is the totality of the entire psyche. It is the function which contains all the other functions and around which they orbit. It may be difficult for the conscious ego to accept that there may be more to the psyche than that of which is currently aware of.
Understanding our Sexuality It is complex – it is real – it can confuse us – it can empower us – it can impoverish us
Reading… Page 115 – 118 Please answer the 5 ‘For Review’ questions on page 118.