“VTR films for EFL are not made by MGM on a Star Wars budget. Ursula Andress does not surface from the waves in order to exemplify “wet”. They are made by ex-EFL teachers somewhere in the nether regions of the BBC, on very limited budgets” P. 116 WHY CAN’T WE MAKE USE OF A FILM WITH URSULA ANDRESS EXEMPLIFYING “WET”? WHY? MAKING USE OF CINEMA AS AUTHENTIC MATERIAL 1 ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168
MAKING USE OF CINEMA IN THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM: BOTTOM-UP LAYOUT 4. The film and the literary work 3. A film chosen by the students 2. Video sections 1. Cinema flashcards Subject Syllabus Design for Second Year of POSE Project work for POSE -from one term to the whole year. Task/Teaching Unit for POSE and 3rd and 4th of CSE -from one to six sessions. Fillers for CSE and POSE -from 10 to 15 minutes. : ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 2
“MARY REILLY”Tense Revision in the Second Year of POSE Classroom ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 3
Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of the greatest classic horror stories ever written. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this novel in Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was discovered by the cinema very early. There are 28 matching titles referring to Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. The first version was made in 1908 and was, of course, a silent movie. The first talking version was made in 1932 by Rouben Mamoulian and the first colour one was made in 1941 by Victor Fleming. WARMING-UP LISTENING:The teacher reads this text and writes on the blackboard the author’s name, date and title. TEACHER/STUDENTS DISCUSSION: Have you read this book? Have you seen any of these films? ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 BLACKBOARD10 min. 4
READING ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 COMPUTER/PHOTOCOPY ACTIVATING SCHEMATA (Genaral Knowledge) 5 min. 7 THINKS SHE HAS FOUND The teacher asks the students to check for gammatical errors
M:Well you can’t have had much sleep sir, I heard you coming in not three hour ago. J: Last night I came to the end of a very long journey. For months now I have been engaged in the driest kind of study. But last night all the barriers fell before me. I have made a great breakthrough. M: I’m very happy to hear it, sir. J: Mary yesterday as I was passing, I looked into the library and there you were with your nose in a book. I had no idea you were able to read. M:I’m very sorry, sir. J: You’re most welcome to borrow any book of mine that takes your fancy. M:Oh, no, sir. I wouldn’t like the other servants to think I was getting above myself. WATCHING Image-killing: Listening and filling in gaps VIDEO15 min. 8
LINGUISTIC AWARENESS MINUTES STUDENTS The teacher asks the students to circle the words that lead the characters to use determined verb forms and not others. Then, ask students if grammatical rules are useful and answer the possible students’ questions TEACHER/ STUDENTS DISCUSSION The teacher asks the students ‘Why are Dr. Jekyll’s sentences long while Mary Reilly’s are very short?’ VIII 236: ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 Student´s class diaries15 min. 9
HOMEWORK Do you agree or disagree with this user comment? Write your own comment. ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 PHOTOCOPIES3 min. TEACHER 1O
EXTRA-TASK TEACHER/STUDENTS The teacher tells her students that they can write their comments, ask her for help, if needed, and put their comments on the net. ÁGUILA CASTRO, CARMEN DEL. –A48EC24165O2168 BLACKBOARD: min. 11