By Frankel Huang
Introduction Proposal Satisfaction of Criteria Oral Presentation Satisfaction of Criteria Memo Satisfaction of Criteria
The Wikipedia Assignment Consists of 3 micro assignments each utilizing different aspects in Technical Writing ▪ Proposal ▪ Oral Report ▪ Memo How my assignments best exemplify these aspects of Technical Writing
“…explains the topic chosen and why it is worth creation/revision along with the research that will be used to make the changes…” Required to: Research a topic of interest/needs improvement Prove that we are able to complete the assignment using appropriate sources and documents Follow the proposal guidelines of MIMES and TRIBES Submit a document that follows form and submission guidelines Target: Dr. Lipuma
Found a topic that needed expansion Utilized reliable sources Used proper submissions guidelines Maintained the form and style of a proposal
“…explains the actions taken and why you feel these were needed as well as how they improve the entry and the entire Wikipedia.” Required to: Present to the class our accomplishments in editing our Wikipedia Article Organize material in an easy to understand fashion Utilize speaking and time management skills to effectively present how our accomplishments benefit the article and Wikipedia as a whole Follow criteria in rubric Understand Target: Dr. Lipuma
Exercised speaking and presentation skills Covered all topics mentioned in the rubric such as having branches in and out along with feedback from community
“…an argument for why you feel what you did deserves a good grade.” Required to: Make a solid argument in why we deserve a good grade ▪ Support with how your package was effective Follow the form of a Memo Maintain Tone Understand Target: Dr. Lipuma
Followed the form of a Memo Argued how I executed each element and surpassed required elements Argued how my package was effective
Each assignment was carried through successfully Showed execution of each aspect tested Matched what the target audience of assignment was looking for Results of accomplishments can be supported by the grades received Together these individual processes add up to become the Wikipedia Assignment