Enzyme Adventures Ellyn Daugherty San Mateo Biotech Career Pathwaywww.SMBiotech.com EMC/Paradigm Publishingwww.emcp.com/biotech VWR/Sargent-Welchwww.sargentwelch.com/biotech Complete the card in the tri-fold brochure. Place a check at the top of the card to get a biotech text, lab manual, & CD sent free from EMC Paradigm. Now, while you wait, PLEASE look through the PPT (and the lab manual) so you know what’s coming!
Flash Cash Ellyn says DNA is the Flash but Proteins are the Cash of the Biotech Industry Important and interesting because: So many different proteins with so many functions. Over 2000 different proteins/cell (humans make over 40K) So complex and sensitive to changes-cause big change Often the product of a biotech company! Foods, Pharmaceuticals/Drug Development, Industrial Products Protein Function Hormones, antibodies, pigments, transport, contractile, structural, recognition, toxins, and enzymes
Protein Manufacturing Protein ID and Characterization R&D Assay Development R&D Protein Engineering Manufacturing & Protein Purification
San Mateo Biotechnology Career Pathway Giving motivated students the skills to pursue many career & academic options. Enzymes are used and studied in all SMBCP courses. Biological Science Prerequisite Biotechnology 1 SLOP proficiencies Biotechnology 2 Modeling the production of a recombinant protein (amylase) Biotechnology 3 Agricultural & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Biotechnology 4 Protein & DNA Diagnostics Biotechnology Internship Unpaid (minimum) 220 hr industry lab position
Biotech:S4NM Enzyme Labs: Cheese-Making (Lab 1c) Apple-Juicing (Lab 5b) Protease Activity (Lab 5c) Amylase Activity (Labs 6c, 6d, & 6e) Peroxidase Activity in Plant and Animal Samples (Lab 6f ) HRP Activity Assays w/ TMB indicator (Lab 11f-h)
ELISA Western Blots HRP is used in Research and Manufacturing to identify and quantify colorless proteins:
My Professional Goals Biotechnology programs in every high school, CTE center, and community college, tailored to the student population and industry and community needs Aligned and articulated programs in HS and CC so that teenagers and adults have the same platform from which to enter specialized programs To make it as easy as possible for educators to do the other 2
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Ellyn Daugherty SM Biotech Career Pathway Get even more help…