APPLICATIONS PROCESS What is UCAS? central organisation processes applications for full-time undergraduate courses at UK universities and colleges web-based tracking system
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Here are some of the sections you will have to complete:
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Registration - Name, address, DOB. - Username and Password. Personal details - Residential status, special needs, disabilities. - Sensible address. - Nominate someone to discuss application with UCAS Course Choices - Enter your choices in any order you like. - Apply will rearrange them in alphabetical order Here are some of the sections you will have to complete:
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Registration - Name, address, DOB. - Username and Password. Personal details - Residential status, special needs, disabilities. - Sensible address. - Nominate someone to discuss application with UCAS Course Choices - Enter your choices in any order you like. - Apply will rearrange them in alphabetical order Here are some of the sections you will have to complete:
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Registration - Name, address, DOB. - Username and Password. Personal details - Residential status, special needs, disabilities. - Sensible address. - Nominate someone to discuss application with UCAS Course Choices - Enter your choices in any order you like. - Apply will rearrange them in alphabetical order Here are some of the sections you will have to complete:
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Education Enter all qualifications you are: - currently taking - have already received Employment - Enter any paid work you have done - If unpaid, include in personal statement Personal Statement - Why are you applying for the course? - Why should they give you an offer? Reference - Written by someone who knows you academically
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Education Enter all qualifications you are: - currently taking - have already received Employment - Enter any paid work you have done - If unpaid, include in personal statement Personal Statement - Why are you applying for the course? - Why should they give you an offer? Reference - Written by someone who knows you academically
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Education Enter all qualifications you are: - currently taking - have already received Employment - Enter any paid work you have done - If unpaid, include in personal statement Personal Statement - Why are you applying for the course? - Why should they give you an offer? Reference - Written by someone who knows you academically
APPLICATIONS PROCESS Education Enter all qualifications you are: - currently taking - have already received Employment - Enter any paid work you have done - If unpaid, include in personal statement Personal Statement - Why are you applying for the course? - Why should they give you an offer? Reference - Written by someone who knows you academically
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? (1) UCAS will process the application (2) UCAS will send a welcome letter (3) The chosen universities or colleges will look at the application (4) The chosen universities or colleges will decide whether or not to make an offer
DECISION PROCESS Possible decisions Conditional Offer Rejection Unconditional Offer offer made with NO conditions attached offer made with conditions attached Unsuccessful application
REPLYING TO OFFERS You will receive a Final Decisions Letter from UCAS Accept one university as Firm Choice Accept one university as Insurance Choice Decline the other offers Be aware of individual deadlines Ensure replies reach UCAS on time. !
WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T RECEIVE ANY OFFERS? UCAS EXTRA End of Feb to end of June in application year Use UCAS ‘ Course Finder ’ for vacancies You can only apply for one Extra course at a time What happens NEXT? Get the grades :Firmly accepted university Get higher grades than expected: Adjustment Don’t get the grades : Insurance University Clearing Re-apply
WHAT IS A UNIVERSITY LOOKING FOR? Appropriate academic qualifications A good reference A good personal statement
THE ADMISSIONS TUTOR WILL ASK… Are you suited to the course? Do you have the right qualifications? Are you hardworking? Can you work under pressure? Will you be able to adjust to the university environment? Do you have good communication skills? Are you genuinely interested in the course and shown you have researched it?
WHAT MAKES A GOOD PERSONAL STATEMENT? ‘ Enthusiasm, wider reading....personal.. ’ ‘Careful research... individuals who understand and show motivation for the course of their choice ’ ‘An element of reflection and analysis really makes the difference to the application. It’s not what you’ve done but how you think about what you have done.’
How do you start a personal statement?
A GOOD STARTING POINT Research course details Decide on course Research course requirements Research up-to-date information
ASK YOURSELF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS… Why does the course interest me/Why study it in more depth? What specific topics do I enjoy and why? Do I understand what the course/profession involves? Have I done extra reading and research? What are my career plans? Have I attended any courses/field trips?
REMEMBER! You can apply to up to 5 courses! Different universities cannot see: Use themes, not specifics What else you have applied for Which universities you have applied to
Extra Information to include Hurdles they’ve overcome Work Experience Gap year plans Activities outside of school Volunteer work Evidence of self-motivation Sports, hobbies, interests Positions of responsibility
WORK EXPERIENCE Tutors want to see reflection Analysis of duties Highlight transferable skills
YOUR SKILLSPERSONAL EXAMPLES Communication Dealing with customers face-to-face in my retail job. Difficult customers can be a challenge, but I have learnt techniques to manage these situations. These techniques are….. Organisational Working as part of a team Leadership Information Technology Creativity Problem-solving Other languages Negotiation Remember to relate the skills to your course!
GENERAL POINTS DO DON’T …Plan it first…Start with ‘I’ve always wanted to study…’ …Sell yourself…Sound boastful …Be honest and sound natural…Try to be funny or controversial …Type in Word 12 pt, then cut & paste. Check spelling! …Use repetitive language …Proof read and get someone else to proof read …Leave it to the last minute
TIMELINE Register with UCAS Write personal statement Apply to UCAS Oxford/Cambridge/ medicine deadline Receive offers and choose 2 universities Summer 2013 September onwards October 2013 January – Easter
THINGS TO REMEMBER Application Register (sensible ) Up to 5 courses Personal Statement and Reference Firm/Insurance Choices UCAS Extra or Clearing Personal Statement Enthusiasm/Passion Research (Course details / Entry Requirements) 60-70% Course, 30-40% Extra-Curricular Reflection and Analysis Don’t rush! Take it seriously!
USEFUL WEBSITES UCAS ‘How to’ Videos: UCAS Books: Disability Rights UK: Oxford Brookes: Unipod Advice (Brookes):