Monitoring analysis preview 3 rd October, Rakhine State WASH Cluster meeting 1. Record 2. Report 3. ANALYSIS 4. dissemination
Access to water supply
Objective 2 – Sanitation,…latrines and hand wash Objective 4 – security for women Objective 5 community ownership
Objective 5 - Self-maintained functional water supplies and cleaned latrines
Objective 4 - Access for disabled, (expressed in terms of satisfaction)
Indicator 4.3a Women are represented and participate in decisions affecting WASH service delivery
Initial analysis Database highlights and identified problems Only CCCM data, not incl. WASH data. Water test results will improve CCCM data and database analysis SWM methodology revised Ownership of maintenance Evolving design Consistent reporting format Gaps, trends, quality, avoiding comparisons Identifiable assumptions Water supply is sufficient, however, distance needs to be introduced in criteria Large gaps in access to functional latrines SWM seems not to be a priority in some sites ODF communities are possible TLS has some total WASH gaps Women, and whole communities are under represented in WASH There is no evidence of MHM facilities There are encouraging signs of community ownership
Priorities and further analysis Priorities OBJECTIVE 2 - Achieve latrine minimum SPHERE OBJECTIVE 4 - Raise standard of TLS WASH services OBJECTIVE 5 - Promote community ownership (maintenance – tools & training) OBJECTIVE 4 – access for disabled OBJECTIVE 4 – access to MHM OBJECTIVE 5 – establish user groups with equitable representation, tors, etc Further expected analysis Trends of increases, stagnation or decreases in services More detailed water supply quantity + quality results “WASH Cluster input,…”
Wow,…the end! For now!