CLOUD Financial Review Committee meeting #3 1 October 2014 Financial plan for 2014 and beyond 1 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT
One single account in use: CERN Team account T Covers Maintenance and Operation of the CLOUD Facility at the T11 beam- line at CERN o Gas supplies and gas systems o Thermal systems, including temperature measurements o HV system o UV systems o Sampling probes, optical ports o Central DAQ Used also to cover modifications and minor upgrades to the above systems, to adapt them to different CLOUD measurement setups and objectives. As agreed in the previous CLOUD FRC meetings the annual contributions to the Common Fund have been maintained at 50 kEuro and 20 kEuro for category 1 and 2 institutes respectively. 1 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT2 CLOUD Common Fund
Common Fund budget and expenditures Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT Foreseen additional costs Oct- Dec 2014 Amount [kCHF]Comment, reference Gas costs: N2 and O2 refills during run39 Amount corresponds to 2 months in CLOUD8 run (nov-dec 2013) + 1 more month Gas system piquet and interventions during run89 weeks (550 CHF/week) + interventions. Technician support costs8 Instrumentation modifications for ion run and dismounting at the end of the autumn run. Transports kCHF in the autumn 2013 (CLOUD8 run transports) Other10 For problems, urgent repairs during the autumn run. Total67.5 CLOUD M&O 2014 budget approved in the 2 nd CLOUD FRC on 31 Oct 2013: 290 kEuro Expected expenditures in 2014 Already Paid (31 Aug 2014) CHF Committed CHF Under approval CHF Foreseen additional costs, Oct-Dec CHF Total estimated at CHF 258 kEuro
Common Fund expenditures (in Euros!) 41 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT are estimates
Common Fund budget projections 51 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT Balance in assumes that all contributions of those years are paid. Notes: 1. No nominal contributions in 2011, only voluntary ones. CLOUD M&O MoU signed in CF budgeted income bases on 50 k€/y & 20 k€/y for cat.1 & 2 partners, respectively. 3. When account balance positive may reduce contributions by factor two to 25 k€/y & 10 k€/y (cat.1 & 2). 4. In 2012 no CF payment by Lisbon, Leeds and Manchester, 10 kE by Vienna, and 30 kE by Karlsruhe. 70 kE extra contribution by Frankfurt to pay CLOUD dewars (of which 44 kCHF N2 dewar included here in income and expenditure, but paid directly from Frankfurt team account). 5. In 2013 no CF payment by Vienna. Lisbon requests 5 kEuro payment. Karlsruhe contributed 20 kE in-kind for permanent SIMONE instrument. Not shown in income nor in expenditure. 6. No CF payment from Frankfurt and IfT until 2013 (BMBF contribution). 7. In 2014 Lisbon requests 5 kEuro payment, Karlsruhe requests passing to cat 2. and 20 kEuro payment. 8. No CF payment from PSI until 2015 (chamber construction debt). PSI contribution in 2015: 42 kEuro, as 8 kEuro to complete the chamber constr debt payment. Contributions (k€)ExpendituresBalance End of year account balance (CHF) Year endNominalPaidUnpaid(k€) , , , N/A N/A N/A N/A Total unpaid:260
Common Fund budget projections 61 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT Ideal scenario: All contributions paid in time, and the delayed ones in Unacceptable scenario: 100 kE unpaid, every year. Debt paid only by ~2021! Expenditures must stay low (= no major technical problems allowed during 6 years!) Debt paid within Shows that the current Nominal contributions vs. Expenditures is not wrong, if respected by all. Contributions (k€)ExpendituresBalance Year endNominalPaidUnpaid(k€) Total unpaid:560 Contributions (k€)ExpendituresBalance Year endNominalPaidUnpaid(k€) Total unpaid:0
1 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT7 Common Fund contributions, year 2014 Account T299584, 30 September
1 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT8 Common Fund contributions, years Account T299584, 30 September
Big accumulated debt: -842’ CHF ≈ 683’000 Euro at end This debt and the unpaid/delayed contributions have seriously compromised the use of the CLOUD Common Fund account in 2014 and getting CLOUD ready for the 2014 run. Positive: Annual expenditures to keep CLOUD operational are going down: A substantial backlog, 260 kEuro, of unpaid contributions [kEuro]: 1 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT9 Summary of the current status Year [kEuro] (est.)230 (est.) TotalComment Innsbruck20 60New invoices to U of Innsbruck, not IONICON Karlsruhe20/50 Requests passing to 20 kE/year (Cat 2.) Lisbon1535Requests passing to 5 kE/year. 2014: 5 kE paid. Leeds20 Environment Agency Research Council support? Manchester20 40Environment Agency Research Council support? Caltech20 60National Science Foundation support? Carnegie20 40National Science Foundation support? Aerodyne/Tofwerk20 Promised to pay in Oct 2014.
Expenditures: Budget needed for CLOUD M&O in 2015 is estimated at 230 kEuro. Requesting the FRC to approve this budget. Contributions: CLOUD needs to have a clear plan on covering the expenditures AND reimbursing the debt. Basically, the plan should be simple and inventing nothing new: Every CLOUD partner pays its agreed contributions: 50 kEuro for cat. 1 and 20 kEuro for cat. 2 partners. Backlog of unpaid contributions (total 260 kEuro) paid in Expenditures maintained at the strict necessary to keep CLOUD operational, safe and achieving its scientific goals. Estimated at 230 kEuro / year, for 2015 and With this plan the debt would be paid within If this plan is not realistic, what needs to be corrected in it? What is an acceptable and achievable reimbursement schedule? 1 Oct 2014, indico: rd FRC meeting, Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT and beyond