Lama Mitwalli Gender Statistics Division Department of Statistics Jordan Data Gaps in Gender Statistics Workshop on the Development of Gender Indicators in the Arab Countries, Turkey- Istanbul, 1-3 April, 2014
Monitoring & addressing data gaps on gender Creating & reporting on gender-sensitive indicators Developing and promoting gender statistical standards Reporting for international mandates e.g. CEDAW Main Objectives of Gender Statistics
Is Gender mainstreamed into production, analysis and dissemination of data generated in our National Statistical offices ?
Gender Statistics Available at DOS Education Higher Education PopulationHealthSocialEconomyPoliticalLaw Information Technology Household Expenditure & Income all indicators are available to provide a basis for monitoring gender issues on the global, regional and national levels. Indicators reflect relevant BPA strategic objective & the Millennium Development Goals Disaggregated by Sex
Gender Statistics Data Sources
Availability of Global Minimum set of Indicators at DOS
Identify the Data Gaps These indicators are needed to understand the situation of women and men in the non-remunerated housework to provide the real situation of the economic participation of women, social security Is needed to give an insight about the work conditions from a gender perspective Lack of systematic data collection on GBV (quantitative and qualitative indicators). Time spent on unpaid work Informal work Gender Based Violence
Indicator of Economic structures, participation in productive activities and access to resources Availability by sex Name of source Periodicity of availability Labor force participation rates for and 15+, by sex Employment &Unemployment survey Yearly Proportion of employed who are own-account workers, by sex Employment &Unemployment survey Yearly Informal employment of workers in the non-agricultural sector Informal employment of workers in the non-agricultural sector, by family context Availability of Data in light of Global Minimum set of Indicators Informal Work
Indicator of Economic structures, participation in productive activities and access to resources Availability by sex Periodicity of availability Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work by sex Average number of hours spent on paid and unpaid domestic work Employment rate of persons aged with a child under age 3 living in a household and with no children living in the household, by sex Proportion of children under age 3 in formal care Time use Survey (Paid & Unpaid work) Gaps of Data in light of Global Minimum set of Indicators ? Difficult to collect No reliable administrative records
Why we need Time-Use Survey Measurement and analyses of quality of life or general well-being Measurement & valuation of unpaid work (domestic & volunteer work) & development of household production accounts Improving estimates of paid and unpaid work It will be a good help for the social security problems Analysis of policy implications of development planning issues ?
Indicator AvailabilityName of source Periodicity of availability Physical violence :Rate of women/men aged years, subjected to physical violence in the last 12 months unavailable by sex Psychological & economic violence : Rate of women/men aged years, raped in the last 12 months Violence by the partnered : Rate of ever-partnered women/men aged years, subjected to sexual and/or physical violence by current or former intimate partner in the last 12 months Staking : Rate of women/men aged years, who have been stalked, by stalking behavior Unavailable Under reporting : Rate of women/men aged years, subjected to sexual and/or physical violence who did not report the crime to the authorities/to the police Violence in childhood :Rate of women/men subjected to sexual violence in childhood(occurring before sixteen years old) GB-Violence Its only available for women ever married aged15-49 years In DHS Survey implemented every 5 years
Media Some of Media Indicators are unavailable at gender statistics databases No available data from Administrative records from the concerned authorities Example: Share of women and men in technical managerial positions at national newspapers and television channels, in percentage.
Overall… Have a more active programmed on gender statistics Methodological improvements Expand and integrate gender in wider data collection system National programmed adjusted/tailored to address changing needs/priorities Considerable amount of Improve quality of data Present/analyses gender relevant statistics Strengthen user- producer relationship Building work on gender statistics Very limited or no progress indicated through surveys Limited on budgets Conduct surveys/pilot study on time- use & Violence & informal Sector Basic training