May 23, 2013 Amy Clem & Aris Obar
In PeopleSoft, Absence Management (AbM) refers to the automated processing and tracking of: accrual entitlement absence events paid/unpaid leaves of absences
Entitlement. Accruals such as earned vacation time or sick leave. Absence Event (Leave Request). The period of time that a payee is absent for the same reason. For example, if a payee is out sick Monday through Wednesday, the three-day absence is referred to as an absence event. Payee. Refers to employees, contingency workers and persons of interest (non-employees). Absence Take. represents the reason for the absence event when AbM processes the absence event (for example: sick, vacation). Cascading. Prioritized order for how leaves are assigned in the system against an employee’s leave type balances.
Roles = A role describes how people fit into PeopleSoft Workflow. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as clerks or managers. ◦ Absence Administrator – Aris Obar Enters Adjustments to the Accumulators (Leave balances and leave accruals) Runs the AbM processes ◦ Department AA’s Ability to enter/correct/adjust absences
Define ESS
After an employee enters an absence request, it automatically routes to the manager for approval. Managers can delegate their authority to approve absence requests to a specific employee. Ex: Admin Asst. Once the manager approves the request, it does not automatically adjust your balances. Absences entered and approved are passed to Time and Labor by the Absence Administrator every two weeks. At that time, leave balances will be updated in the system.
Automatic deduction of employee-submitted absence hours against a prioritized order for that employee’s accrued leave type balances. (This only occurs if the amount of leave taken exceeds the employee’s accrued balance for sick and/or vacation leave.) The purpose of cascading is to ensure that negative leave balances do not occur.
Leave balances for a full-time classified exempt employee: ◦ Vacation: 20 hrs ◦ Sick: 36 hrs ◦ Comp Time: 16 hrs Employee submits absence event for 40 hours of vacation. Manager approves. Workflow will be one level of approval based on the “Reports To” field in the HR Module. How did AbM cascade the hours? 1.Vacation Take:20 hrs 2.Comp Take: 16 hrs 3.Unpaid:4 hrs
The responsibility for entering vacation and sick leave requests is now on the employee. It’s very important that the employee is aware of what their leave balances are. Just a reminder, cascading is automatic as negative balances are not permitted in PeopleSoft. Comp time can still be used prior to using vacation or sick time but is not taken through an Absence Event Request. It is requested on the timesheet through the Time and Labor module.
Use Manager Self Service (MSS)
An absence event submitted by a UTTyler manager for their employee will automatically be approved. The manager will need to communicate to the employee that an absence event has been submitted for that particular date and/or time.
Employees’ ability to see “real-time” balances will be eliminated. The balances displayed reflect up to the date that absence processing has been finalized (every two weeks). Future dated and approved absence requests will not be included as part of the “real-time” balances. Leaves of absence and FMLA will be addressed during future training.