Revalidation RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair Leeds November
Why revalidation? PREP has become discredited Care scandals at Mid Staffs and elsewhere No assurance to the public that nurses and midwives are keeping their knowledge and skills up to date
Key changes Increase in the amount of time spent on continuing professional development (CPD) Requirement to write ‘reflective accounts’ based on feedback you receive Confirmation from your supervisor or manager that you are fit to practise
Who’s affected? Every nurse and midwife on the NMC register – that’s 670,000 people Everyone re-registering with the NMC from January 2016 onwards Students need to start preparing now, especially if they qualify in or after 2016
Six steps to revalidation 1. CPD 2. Reflection 3. Practice 4. Appraisal 5. Confirmation 6. Revalidation
Step 1: CPD Forty hours of CPD every three years At least 20 must involved learning with others CPD must be linked to the Code of conduct Concerns about nurses’ access to CPD
Step 2: Reflection Collect and review feedback – positive and negative – from managers, patients, students and colleagues Reflect on this feedback and be prepared to demonstrate how your practice has improved or been enhanced Write at least five reflective accounts every three years
Step 3: Practice At least 450 hours of practice as a nurse of midwife every three years All practice that involves a nursing or midwifery qualification counts, including unpaid work Those with a dual registration as a nurse and midwife will have to complete 900 hours (450 hours in each profession)
Step 4: Appraisal Employers will be asked to link their appraisal systems to revalidation The aim is to improve the quantity and quality of appraisals involving nurses and midwives Lack of clarity around self-employed professionals and what happens to those who receive an inadequate appraisal (or none)
Step 5: Confirmation You will have to declare that you are fit to practise The person who supervises will have to confirm that you are complying with the Code and are fit to continue practising If this person is not on the NMC register, a nurse or midwife who is familiar with your practice will also have to complete the confirmation process
Step 6: Revalidation Revalidation will take place every three years, when you re-register with the NMC The process will be completed online and be paper-free You may be asked to provide evidence of your CPD, reflective accounts and practice hours The NMC will carry out spot-checks, some at random, others based on a risk assessment
Pilot sites Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Mersey Care NHS Trust NHS Tayside, and local partners Public Health England Western Health and Social Care Trust More due to be announced this week
The Code Complete re-write Due to be approved by the NMC in December Likely to take effect from early in the new year Significant changes following consultation
Duty of candour ‘You must exercise your professional duty of candour and give a constructive and honest response to anyone who complains about the care they have received, including an apology where appropriate.’
Raising concerns ‘You must report your concerns immediately if problems in the environment of care are putting people at risk.’ ‘You must raise concerns if you believe a person in your care is vulnerable or at risk and in need of extra support and protection, taking all reasonable steps to protect them from neglect or abuse.’
Raising concerns ‘Those with managerial or leadership responsibilities must ensure that those they are responsible for are protected from any harm, detriment or unwarranted treatment following the raising of a concern and that concerns are escalated promptly and appropriately.’
Fundamentals of care ‘You must ensure that the fundamentals of basic care are adhered to and delivered effectively and compassionately, ensuring that those in your care are kept in clean and hygienic conditions, and are physically handled and moved appropriately.’