Academic Training Academic Training Defined: J-1 exchange visitor regulation- AT provides employment authorization to students so they can gain practical experience in their major related field. BSMP- AT is further defined as traditional internship, co-op, observership, or practicum that is completed over a pre-approved period of time.
AYAP Policies AYAP does NOT provide students with assistance in obtaining internships. AYAP does NOT offer any housing, insurance, or meal plans to the students who are doing internships. AYAP will offer housing, insurance, and meal plans to the students who are taking coursework this summer, but the students are expected to submit a AT waiver to obtain IIE’s approval prior. Once approved, students must maintain 12 units throughout the entire summer. Students who want to take coursework (i.e., research type courses) this summer MUST get IIE’s approval this spring before summer starts on 6/25/13. Students must show IIE their numerous attempts at securing an internship, along with an advisor’s signature, before students sign up for summer classes.
IIE Academic Training Eligibility Requirements AT must be related to the major field of study listed on the DS Students must be in good academic standing and legal program status. All AT requests must be submitted to IIE for pre- approval. Students must obtain endorsement from their academic advisor for their intended AT program. For the duration of AT students must be enrolled in a health insurance plan which covers illnesses and accidents including medical evacuation and repatriation meeting the J-1 visa requirements.
Additional Requirements AT can take place either on- or off-campus, and may be paid or unpaid. AT that takes place during official summer months should be full-time (a minimum of 35 hours per week); no shorter than eight weeks. Students must begin summer AT activities within two weeks of their last exam of the Spring quarter. Students who want to have a vacation must contact IIE for stipend and approval. All students, in particular those studying medicine, veterinary sciences, dentistry, and pharmacy, must understand and agree to comply with the J-1 regulation stipulation that they will not have any patient contact (human or animal) during the course of their exchange program.
Additional Requirements Students who do not secure an AT opportunity must submit an Academic Training Waiver Request form to IIE. Students may instead take pre-approved Summer classes or return to Brazil immediately following the conclusion of the Spring quarter. For additional information regarding Academic Training please refer to the BSMP website Mobility/Current-Students/Academic-Training Mobility/Current-Students/Academic-Training
Application Procedure Please make sure you follow the steps listed below. Your AT will not be approved unless you have submitted the required forms. Consult with your academic advisor before applying for AT. Obtain a written offer of internship employment from your AT employer on the company's official letterhead. Complete the Request for Academic Training form. Review your offer of employment with an academic advisor and obtain his or her endorsement by submitting Part F of the Request for Academic Training form. your completed Request for Academic Training form to your internship supervisor and obtain his or her endorsement on Part G of the Request for Academic Training form. Submit the Request for Academic Training form and a copy of your official offer letter to IIE at
Student Responsibilities While engaged in AT, students are required to maintain their legal status and continue compliance with the following J-1 regulations: Academic training will cease before the conclusion of a student's DS Students will report any changes in their U.S. address during the AT. Students will report any changes in their AT provider, location or dates to IIE immediately. Any changes to approved academic training programs require advanced authorization from IIE.
Important Links You Should Know AT FAQ: Scientific-Mobility/Current-Students/Academic- Traininghttp:// Scientific-Mobility/Current-Students/Academic- Training AYAP Website: Summer Sessions Website: