Community Service Requirements PAF 101 Spring 2014 Community Service Director: Kelsey May
The 5 Hour Requirement Must be off-campus, but within Onondaga County Can be at more than one location Can be paid OR unpaid (i.e. Literacy Corps) MUST be for a government or a non- profit agency
PAF 110 – 1 Credit Meets 5 times throughout the semester. Perform 35 hours of community service. Complete weekly journals and a final paper reflecting on service. Also satisfies the community service requirement to become a Policy Studies major. See Michelle Walker in 102 Maxwell.
Wilson Park Guidelines If you wish to volunteer at Wilson Park, you MUST Mahlet Makonnen by March 24 th to confirm the times you will be going to volunteer. She will send you a confirmation that you must save and You are encouraged to split your 5 hour requirement between several weeks. If you do not volunteer at the times you agree to do so, you will automatically lose all 35 points on your final community service form. If you do not print out and staple your confirmation from Mahlet to the back of your final community service form you will lose 5 points.
Give 5 Procedure Sign up for the Give 5 listserv. When ed for an opportunity you wish to take advantage of, you must print off the . Attach this to the back of the final community service form. (Final form still must be signed.)
If your organization is not on the approved list… Please me at to get my approval for a site. You must provide me with the full name of the organization, website (if it has one), and I will you back accepting or denying your request. Save and print this and attach it to the back of the final community service form. If I do not approve the site, the hours will not count. RUNS/WALKS/FUNDRAISERS WILL NEVER COUNT If you are doing community service for another class (WRT 109, WRT 209), and it is not listed as an approved site, you still must me for approval.
Prospective Community Service Form DUE FEBRUARY 12 th, 2014 BY 12:45PM If your TA receives your after 12:45pm, you will lose 5 points. You must your TA your prospective community service form BY CLASS AT 12:45pm on February 12 th, 2014 or else you will loose 5 points. This is not a binding commitment, it is just a way to get you thinking about where you would like to volunteer.
Final Community Service Form DUE APRIL 21 st, 2014 BY 12:45 PM IN CLASS You MUST hand in your Final Community Service Form by 12:45pm in class. If you are late to class when the form is due, you will loose an additional 5 points on the form. If the form is a day late, you will loose 15 points. Failure to complete the 5 hour requirement or failure to hand in the final form will result in 35 points off of Module 5.
You will lose points on the final community service form for the following… 35 Points: Community service is done outside of Onondaga County Community service is done on campus Did not get permission for a site that is not already on the website Did not include answers to essay questions (unless in PAF 110) Fake signature 15 Points: Day-late papers 5 Points: Worked at Wilson Park/Give 5/received OK from me for a site and did not attach confirmation to back of the final community service form
Questions? Kelsey May at