SPO Payment confirmation Process
SPO Payment Process Flow: Waiting for confirmation 1 2 3 4 Activities at SPO Consultant Comes to SPO and handovers orders and Payments SPO Deposits Cash in Oriflame’s SPO Bank `A/C. SPO places order online SPO sends payment details to spo.pmt@oriflame.co.in in specific excel format with copy to branch Receiving Order Receiving Order Placing Order Cash Deposit Mail 5 6 7 8 9 Treasury to check the excel file with bank statement and update receipts in consultant accounts Pending confirmation files would be updated from time to time by treasury Queries relating to deposits exceeding 1 working day to be sent to pmtquery.spo@oriflame.co.in by SPO owners Activities at Oriflame SPO owner to contact branch for any receipt confirmations during the day Pending orders reports would be sent to the SPO Owners at the day end everyday through email. Receipts updation Pending Conf. Receipt conf. Mail Mail 10 11 12 A response for payment query would be sent within 1 working day of receipt of mail. Any unpaid SPO order for more than 2 days would be cancelled* The negated orders list would be sent to SPOs and penalty would be recovered monthly Query response Order Cancellation Penalty recovery * Rs.200 penalty to SPO owner per order
(Waiting for Confirmation) SPO Process Summary (Waiting for Confirmation) Consultant comes to SPO and handovers the Order and Payment. SPO Owner would places order online. SPO Owner would deposit the cash in the designated Oriflame SPO A/C. SPO will send details of amount deposited in specific excel format. Treasury to check the excel with bank statement and update receipts in consultants Account. Treasury will update SPO pending confirmation list from time to time (This will be available on online FTP Server). SPO would contact branch for any receipt confirmation during the day. A detailed pending orders report would be sent to the SPO Owner everyday through E-mail. For all orders relating to deposits exceeding one day, the SPO owner should send a mail to pmtquery.spo@oriflame.co.in with issue details. A response would be sent by SO with proper reason as to why the amount is not confirmed to the SPO, within 24 hours from the receipt of mail. All unpaid orders more than 2days would be cancelled and the SPO owner would be charged Rs200 as penalty fees. The negated orders list would be sent to the SPO owner and the penalty would be recovered monthly. * Note: All entries in the pending list more than 30 days old would be deleted after an intimation to branch SCM and Anubhuti.
SPO Payment Process Flow: Payment before ordering 1 2 3 5 Activities at SPO SPO Deposits Cash in Oriflame’s SPO Bank `A/C. Consultant Comes to SPO and handovers orders and Payments SPO sends payment details to spo.pmt@oriflame.co.in in specific excel format with copy to branch SPO places order online Placing Order Receiving Order Receiving Order Cash Deposit Mail 6 4 7 8 Treasury to check the excel file with bank statement and update receipts in consultant accounts Pending confirmation files would be updated from time to time by treasury Activities at Oriflame SPO owner to contact branch for any receipt confirmations during the day Pending orders reports would be sent to the SPO Owners at the day end everyday through email. Receipts updation Pending Conf. Receipt conf. Mail 9 10 Queries relating to deposits exceeding 1 working day to be sent to pmtquery.spo@oriflame.co.in by SPO owners A response for payment query would be sent within 1 working day of receipt of mail. Mail Query response
(Payment before ordering) SPO Process Summary (Payment before ordering) Consultant comes to SPO and handovers the Order and Payment. SPO Owner would deposit the cash in the designated Oriflame SPO A/C. SPO will send details of amount deposited in specific excel format. Treasury to check the excel with bank statement and update receipts in consultants Account. SPO would place order online. Treasury will update SPO pending confirmation list from time to time (This will be available on online FTP Server). SPO would contact branch for any receipt confirmation during the day. A detailed pending orders report would be sent to the SPO Owner everyday through E-mail. For all orders relating to deposits exceeding one day, the SPO owner should send a mail to pmtquery.spo@oriflame.co.in with issue details. A response would be sent by SO with proper reason as to why the amount is not confirmed to the SPO, within 24 hours from the receipt of mail. * Note: All entries in the pending list more than 30 days old would be deleted after an intimation to branch SCM and Anubhuti.
Other Information Bank Accounts Confirmation Timings Bank Name Account Numbers IFSC Code Bank Address ICICI 000705028871 ICIC0000007 Connaught Place 9A, Phelps Building, Inner Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001 SBI 30846209338 SBIN0001537 SBI (01537), B-37,38, Second Floor, Inner Circle, Connaught Circus, New Delhi – 110001 Confirmation Timings Intimation time* Confirmation# 09:00 AM 11:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 02:00 PM 03:00 PM 04:30 PM * Please note that the Intimation time would mean Mail receipt time or deposit time at bank whichever is later # Confirmation is subject to the amount appearing in the bank statement
How to use Excel file for Payment confirmation
SPO Payment Confirmation Excel Sheet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Should match with actual deposit amount Please state the transaction number or the Branch location of the bank where the amount is deposited for Faster tracking of your deposit Bank where the money is deposited Consultant Number is a mandatory field Mention the exact amount against the consultant. Your 3 Digit SPO code no.
Features of SPO Payment Confirmation Excel Sheet Field No. Name Action needed 1. Consultant No. Consultant No. is a mandatory field , No payments would be confirmed if it is not mentioned. All the characters of consultant no. should be numeric. No Extra characters like #, - , @, * , space , New etc. should be present in this field. 2. Amount Mention the exact amount deposited by the consultant. There should be no special characters like #, - , @, * , space etc . Rs. 2000 , 2000/-, -2000, (2000) : Wrong 2000 : Right 3. INV# (for inv clearance) Mention the correct invoice no. against which the payment is being made. If INV# field is left blank the Amount would be transferred to the cons. prepay A/C. 4. Deposit Amount This should exactly match with the amount deposited in the bank. If the amount doesn’t match then the entire transactions file would be pending with us for confirmation until this amount is traced in Bank. 5. Bank Select the Bank where the money is deposited, from the drop down list. 6. Trans # / Banks Branch name Mention the Transaction No. (or ) location of Bank branch where the amount is deposited. For faster payment confirmation please mention bank transaction ID. Please note that if Trans ID mentioned is wrong no payment would be confirmed 7. Date of deposit Mention the right Date of deposit. Date format has to be DD/MM/YYYY*. No payments would be confirmed if the deposit date mentioned is wrong. SPO# Mention your 3 digit SPO code. Note: 1. Grey cells in the excel sheet are protected, they are Automatic and you need not fill anything in it. 2. Please don’t try to tamper or change the format of excel file, this will delay your payment Confirmation. 3 * For setting the right date format please refer to the Date Format PPT attached.
Trouble shooting
Facing Problem in entering Date in DD/MM/YYYY format Are you facing problem in entering date in DD/MM/YYYY format? You need to change your computer date format. How can we change the date format? Pls. go through the presentation you can easily change the date format of your computer.
How to change date format Step 2: Choose Settings Step 3: Choose Control Panel Step 1: Click on start button
How to change date format Step 4: Choose Regional and Language Options Step 5: Choose Customize
How to change date format Step 6: Choose Date Step 7: Choose dd/mm/yyyy format from drop down menu or type dd/mm/yyyy Step 8: Choose “/” from drop down menu Step 9: Choose Apply Step10: Choose Ok
Courtesy: Oriflame Treasury Team