Labour force status (December)
Age pyramid of non-institutional civilian population and labour force, (December 2006)
LABOUR FORCE The age group for which male have the highest labour force participation rate is the (94,4 %) Female have the highest labour force participation rate in the age groups (32,8 %).
LABOUR FORCE Labour force participation rate that is above 90 % for male within ages has declined after 45 years of age. The labour force participation lags fairly behind the population for female in all age groups.
UNEMPLOYMENT Number of unemployed persons decreased by 94 thousand persons compared to the same period of the previous year and has reached to 2 million 608 thousand persons in Turkey. Number of unemployed persons decreased by 94 thousand persons compared to the same period of the previous year and has reached to 2 million 608 thousand persons in Turkey.
UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment rate declined to 10,5 % with a 0,7 percentage points decrease. Unemployment rate declined to 10,5 % with a 0,7 percentage points decrease. –Unemployment rate declined to 12,5 % with a 0,7 percentage points decrease in urban areas –Declined to 7,5 % with a 0,7 percentage points decrease in rural areas.
UNEMPLOYMENT Non-agricultural unemployment rate declined to 13,3 % with a 1 percentage points decrease compared to the same period of the previous year in Turkey. Non-agricultural unemployment rate declined to 13,3 % with a 1 percentage points decrease compared to the same period of the previous year in Turkey. –The rate declined to 11,9 % with a 1,3 percentage points decrease for male –Remained the same as 18,7 % for female compared to the same period of the previous year.
Structure of unemployment 72,1 % were male. 72,1 % were male. 56,4 % had education below high school. 56,4 % had education below high school. 31,4 % were seeking job for one year or more. 31,4 % were seeking job for one year or more. Unemployed persons were commonly seeking job through “their acquaintances” (31 %). Unemployed persons were commonly seeking job through “their acquaintances” (31 %).
Structure of unemployment 81,4 % (2 million 123 thousand) had worked previously. 81,4 % (2 million 123 thousand) had worked previously. Among those who were employed previously; Among those who were employed previously; –47,3 % were employed in “services”, –23,8 % were employed in “industry”, –18,2 % were employed in “construction”, –10,7 % were employed in “agriculture”.
Structure of employment 74,2 % were male, 61 % had education below high school. 57,4 % were regular and casual employee. 28,9 % were self-employed and employer. 13,7 % were unpaid family worker.
Structure of employment 62,4 % worked in establishments consisting of “1-9 employees”. 2,5 % had an additional job. 3,7 % was seeking job either to replace the current job or to augment the existing job. 88,2 % of regular employees worked in permanent jobs.