1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.
"They bought this year's Christmas presents before they paid for last year's. They are going on vacation before they paid for last year's vacation."
SD carries one of the highest credit card balances, per family, in the US. Second only to Alaska and Vermont.
The average family in SD pays $300 a month to credit card companies
7 out of 10 families use credit as a safety net to pay for emergencies, car repairs, home repairs and the like.
The median credit card balance is over $2000 per family, the average is over $8000 per family.
Sears receives 700,000 credit card applications per month
Your mailbox will receive approximately 43 credit card offers this year alone.
Citi bank will spend $100 million dollars marketing their visa card next year
Per the Federal Reserve Board, unpaid credit card debt hit 1.5 trillion in 2004
"I was robbing Peter to pay Paul, and it just escalated. Nothing seemed to go down. I was using one credit card to pay another."
USA Today reported that the #1 stress in the workplace is personal financial stress
55% of recent divorces were reportedly due to financial stress
1.6 million people filed for personal bankruptcy in 2003
63% of those bankruptcies blamed credit cards and 89% of these people still receive credit card offers.
50% of all people have been late on paying bills this year.
47% of SD homes have been called by a bill collector this year
"It's instant gratification. It's a societal issue where we want things today."
“For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”
Family AFamily B Income $40,000Income $40,000 Credit Card Payment$300Savings$300 Interest over 3 years$3,000Interest earned$800 Buying power (on credit)$8,000 Buying Power (with cash)$11,800
Family AFamily B Income $40,000Income $40,000 Credit Card Payment$300Savings$300 Interest over 3 years$3,000Interest earned$800 Buying power (on credit)$8,000 Buying Power (with cash)$11,800 $3800 additional cash by not using credit!
Commitment 5 weeks, Sunday nights from 6-7 PM January 1st – 29th No homework! Participate with the rest of the church A $10 workbook Your desire to find financial freedom!!!