Work Experience 2015 Monday 13 th – Friday 24 th April
What is BEP Group? Act as a broker (link) between Business and Education. OUR MISSION To develop and enhance the skills and potential of the local business community and their future workforce through structured education, training and enterprise initiatives.
What is Work Experience? An unpaid opportunity for young people to experience working life whilst you are still at school. A chance for you to develop and practise new skills and become more confident in your abilities. Can be non – vocational : it’s an experience of work!
Placements There are 2 ways in which you can be placed: Own Placements Source your own as you are more likely to get exactly what you want. Placements can be anywhere in the country. The employer must have Employer Liability Insurance (ELI). Pass a Health & Safety check carried out by an approved Health and Safety Officer. All forms must be fully completed and signed by the employer and your parent, guardian or carer.
Please don’t forget to put your name on the form. Please complete if you are going to Poland to indicate your chosen dates. Employer to complete these sections. Employer to sign here. Parent/Carer to sign here. Unfortunately, once a form has started to be processed you cannot change your mind. Please note that pupils can have only ONE placement each.
Deadlines “Own placement” forms to be handed in to Mrs Steadman, in the Main Office, by Friday 7 th November (week after the October half term). Deadline for online selections to follow. Please see Mrs Steadman if you need any help or advice.