Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program – Registration & Attestation Process
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Agenda Review of Incentive Program Medicaid Registration & Attestation Process Brief Q&A
Previous HealthInsight Webinars Visit HealthInsight Event page to download the recorded webinar session: –
What Incentives are Available Year – 2016 Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Total $21,250$8,500 $63,750 Medicare OR Medicaid Incentives Available to Providers Eligible Providers may participate in only ONE of the two programs Medicaid Incentives may be paid out over 6 years. These years DO NOT have to be consecutive.
When are Incentives Available Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program is currently scheduled to launch early August Expect Year 1 payment 4-6 weeks after attestation for Adoption, Implementation or Upgrade (AIU) Medicaid Incentive Payments will be made up to 2021
Qualifying for A,I,U What do I need to prove AIU to attest (Adopt, Implement & Upgrade)? EPs and EHs will need to be prepared to provide information and documentation about their EHR adoption efforts at the time of attestation including: –EHR Certification Number which can be found at –Medicaid Patient Volume Information including Numerator and Denominator –Signed letter on practice letterhead stating Adopt, Implement or Upgrade methodology being used and how efforts support this methodology –Copy of Purchase Order, Contract, Service Agreement, etc to prove the purchase or acquisition of a Certified EHR.
Register for Incentive Programs Obtain a valid PECOS ID: – OR a NPPES(National Plan & Provider Enumeration System) User ID and Password: – Once a valid PECOS ID/NPPES ID is obtained you will register using the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Site to indicate your intent to participate in Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program
Nevada Medicaid Attestation Process Registration for Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will be available on August 6 th Registration will require a valid PECOS Username & Password for each Eligible Provider or Hospital Eligible Provider NPI #
Nevada Medicaid Attestation Process (Cont.) Registration Confirmation will be sent to provided with a link for Attestation on following date –(if Registered on Aug 6 th, confirmation will be send on Aug 7 th to start Attesting for the Incentive) Access to Nevada Medicaid Provider Portal abid/135/Default.aspx
Nevada Medicaid Attestation Process (Cont.) If you are attesting for the entire Group Practice, you must include all providers patients volume. When attesting, ONLY attest eligible providers in your Practice. Not hospital-based MD, DO, PA*, NP, Certified Nurse Midwife, DDS Must logout before Attest for additional provider within your group practice
What will the Attestation process look like? Provider Login: –User ID –Password
If Practice select to Attest using Group Patient Volumes
Webinar Schedule HealthInsight will be hosting a series of Webinars through the month of July that will help to explain the Medicaid Incentive Requirements and the Registration and Attestation Process. Past Sessions July 11 th, July 18 th Future Session: August 1st at 1pm – Repeat of Registration/Attestation Process
Contact Information HealthInsightState of Nevada Medicaid Erick Maddox Eileen Colen Catelyn Nguyen Nevada Medicaid Provider Support Starting August 6 th, CGI Business Services will be primary contact for EHR related questions
Links & Resources HealthInsight: PECOS: NPPES: Incentive Registration: CMS Medicaid FAQ: Nevada Medicaid FAQ: EHR Certification Information: NV Medicaid Provider Portal: