Medicaid Extension December 5 th, 2013
The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid The Affordable Care Act significantly changes state Medicaid programs: Requires online, real time web based application, verifications, and determinations. Changes the concept of Medicaid to applying for health insurance Uses new Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) methodology to determine income, household composition and family size Requires states to align systems and determinations with the new Health Insurance Marketplace Allows states to extend Medicaid coverage to additional adults Mandates ‘go live’ dates: Process applications for health coverage beginning Oct 1, 2013 With effective dates of coverage beginning Jan 1 st, 2013
MAGI AND NON MAGI GROUPS MAGI Parent/Caretaker/Relative Children (under 19) Pregnant Women Extension population Non-MAGI Aged, blind, disabled Medicare cost share recipients Long term care/waiver
Who can be Included in Extension? An additional group of residents, also referred to as Group 8, are now eligible for Medicaid coverage in Ohio Individuals with income below 138% of the FPL Individuals between the ages of Individuals not found eligible under another Category Individuals not eligible for Medicare (it’s okay if the person has been found disabled and is in the 2-year waiting period) If the individual is a parent residing with a minor child, the child must have Creditable coverage) No retro coverage before 1/4/14!
Eligibility requirements Citizenship Identity Birth Income– must be under 138% of the FPL Residency—must be resident of Ohio
How can I apply for Medicaid? To see if you are eligible for Medicaid benefits, you should complete an application online at Benefits.Ohio.Gov If you cannot complete an application online you can go to your local JFS office to obtain a paper application (JFS 7216) Tip--- providing a SSN on the application will speed up proces Ohio benefits is compatible with mobile devices. The portal is compatible with browsers that work on mobile platforms including: Safari on iPhones and iPads Chrome on Android phones and tablets Internet Explorer on Windows phones and tablets
When can citizens apply? Benefits.Ohio.Gov will begin accepting Medicaid applications for newly eligible adults on December 9 th,2013. Paper applications are available today. Please submit a 7216 Medicaid application if applying for Medicaid only. The 7200 application is you are applying for additional benefits such as Food Assistance Coverage is effective Jan 1 st, 2014 When a citizen applies and wishes to have an authorized representative, a citizen may submit a written statement stating as such.
What does 138% FPL look like for an individual or household?
Agency Information Building is open to the public Monday –Friday 8:30- 4:30 Closed Dec 24 th, 25 th, 31 st, and Jan 1 st Applications will be available in the lobby in the Extension Center Will have additional information sessions