Affordable Care Act: Medicaid Expansion
Medicaid Expansion I.NFIB v. Sebelius: Constitutionality of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act
Constitutionality of Expansion Supreme Court holds in NFIB v. Sebelius: Medicaid expansion violates Congress’ spending power as unconstitutionally coercive of states because: 1.States not given adequate notice to voluntarily consent to expansion, and 2.HSS Secretary could potentially withhold all of a state’s existing federal Medicaid funds for non-compliance
Constitutionality of Expansion Medicaid Expansion is a “gun to the head” because the “threatened loss of over 10 percent of a state’s overall budget….is economic dragooning that leaves the states with no real option but to acquiesce.” - Sebelius, at 54.
Constitutionality of Expansion Coercive But Supreme Court fashions a “remedy” to overcome the coercion
Constitutionality of Expansion Supreme Court’s remedy for coercion: Remedy is to limit HHS Secretary’s power to withhold existing federal Medicaid funds for state non- compliance with Medicaid expansion Makes Medicaid expansion optional for states
Supreme Court on ACA’s Medicaid Expansion IssueVoteSupportOppose The ACA’s Medicaid Expansion is Unconstitutionally Coercive 7:2Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito Ginsburg, Sotomayor The Secretary’s enforcement authority should be limited 5:4Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, Ginsburg, Sotomayor N/A The entire ACA should be invalidated 4:5Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
Medicaid Expansion I.NFIB v. Sebelius: Constitutionality of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act II.Past, Present, and Future: A glimpse at Medicaid Establishment and Expansion
Past: Establishment of Medicaid
Past: Medicaid Establishment Establishment of Medicaid Established in 1965 as a jointly funded cooperative between federal and state governments Purpose: Provide medical benefits to those who have either no or inadequate medical insurance Program requirements: Established by each state and eligibility varies per state
Past: Medicaid Establishment Tennessee’s Response to Medicaid Enactment Established TennCare in 1994 Serves roughly 18-19% of the state’s population Two types of TennCare: TennCare Medicaid and TennCare Standard
Past: Medicaid Establishment For: Tennesseans who are eligible for Medicaid Groups covered include: Children under 21, pregnant women, single parents of minor child, elderly, and disabled Income limits are applicable For: Children under 19 who are already enrolled in TennCare Medicaid AND Lack access to group health insurance OR Time of eligibility for TennCare Medicaid is ending and they no longer qualify TennCare MedicaidTennCare Standard
Present: Tennessee without Medicaid Expansion
Current source of Tennesseans HealthCare coverage LocationEmployerIndividualMedicaidMedicareOther Public Uninsured Total TN47%5%18%14%2%14%100%
Present: Tennessee without Medicaid Expansion Tennessee Compared to United States
Future: Medicaid Expansion Affordable Care Act gives states the option to expand Medicaid coverage to nonelderly adults with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL)
Future: Medicaid Expansion
Means that Tennessee can extend TennCare coverage to individuals up to 138% FPL Persons in household Poverty Guideline 133%138%400% 1$11,490$15,282$15,856$45,960 2$15,510$20,628$21,404$62,040 3$19,530$25,975$26,952$78,120 4$23,550$31,322$32,500$94,200
Future: Medicaid Expansion No deadline by which states must decide whether to expand or not No partial expansion- all or nothing Effects of expansion
Future: Medicaid Expansion Effects of Expansion Effect on people below 100% FPL
Future: Medicaid Expansion Effects of Expansion
Future: Medicaid Expansion Effects of Expansion Effect on people below 100% FPL Financial Effects of Expansion
Financial Effects of Expansion 100% for first three years (2014, 2015, 2016) 95% in 2017 94% in 2018 93% in 2019 90% thereafter Approx. $31 million in 2017 Approx. $95 million in 2019 Federal Government will payTennessee’s Increased Costs
Future: Medicaid Expansion Effects of Expansion Effect on people below 100% FPL Financial Effects of Expansion Effects of the Eligible but not Enrolled (EBNE)
Effects of the EBNE Individuals who are currently eligible for Medicaid but not enrolled will likely go to exchanges and be automatically moved to TennCare State will pay approximately 35% of the cost of covering this group “Woodwork effect” May be over 60,000 EBNE individuals who enroll in TennCare
Future: Medicaid Expansion Effects of Expansion Effect on people below 100% FPL Financial Effects of Expansion Effects of the Eligible but not Enrolled (EBNE) Effects on healthcare availability
Effects on Healthcare Availability More than 220,000 (and possibly up to 370,000) additional Tennesseans who are not currently eligible for TennCare would become eligible if expanded Expansion would result in 24.7% reduction in overall number of uninsured in Tennessee
Where do States stand on Expansion? Future: Medicaid Expansion
Where do states stand?
Medicaid Expansion?