Transitional Age Youth Program (TAYP) Program Description and Initial Outcomes Stars Behavioral Health Group
Organizational Context Part of STARS Community Services, operated by Stars Behavioral Health Group. Started in 2001 as a collaborative effort with Alameda County Behavioral Healthcare (ACBHC) to address the needs of youth “aging out” of the child system. ACBHC runs a multidisciplinary Transitional Age Team (TAT) to conduct case review, referral, and contract management of TAYP. Primarily Medicaid (Medi-Cal) dollars passed through the state’s Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnoses, and Treatment (EPSDT) program.
Service Mission For the Young Adult To – Become emotionally stable Succeed in school and/or vocationally Develop independent living skills Have positive and satisfying relationships Find safe and stable housing Stay out of trouble with the law For Their Families To – Bring voice to their needs in both providing support to, and “letting go” of their young adult Discover and reinforce their young adult’s strengths, skills, and capacity for long term self- sufficiency
Client Population 350 Clients 350 Clients Ages 18 to 23 Ages 18 to 23 Ethnicity African American Anglo American Latino / Hispanic Asian American 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Clinical Diagnoses Additionally, 64% of clients have a co-occurring substance abuse problem. Major Mental Illness: Psychotic NOS 19.3% Schizoaffective 17.5% Schizophrenia, Paranoid 15.8% Schizophrenia, Other 5.3% Internalizing: Major Depression 10.5% Bipolar Disorder 7.0% Post Traumatic Stress 5.3% Externalizing: Conduct Disorder 3.5%
Prior Services
Risk Behaviors
TAYP Services Direct Services: Counseling –Individual –Group –Family Case Management Psychiatry Services including Medication Support Crisis InterventionCollaborations: Alcohol/Drug Treatment Financial Management Supported Housing Supported Education Vocational Training
TAYP Utilization All services are VOLUNTARY: Clients have a choice if they want to work with the team, when they want to work with the team, and when they want to stop. It’s up to them. The optimal mix of services is worked out as a mutually authored (client, family and staff) plan that is periodically reviewed and updated based upon results and ongoing client need. Average Length of Stay is 18 months Most (93%) Enroll Only Once
Impact: Living Situation
Psychiatric Hospitalizations * * Time periods are one year before compared to one year after.
Hospital Lengths of Stay * * Time periods are one year before compared to one year after.
Client Satisfaction
Clients’ Views * Clients’ Views * What I Like About the Program – “I like the worker I have. I like the way they sit down and talk with you. I like that I get to choose the goals I work on.” “I have a place to go with my problems. I like how the program treats me with respect. I like the activities that take place.” “Your mentor is with you until you graduate from the program. They see you at least once a week. They help you find a job.” * Responses to anonymous client satisfaction surveys.
Collaborators’ Views * Regarding overall program philosophy -- “This is a program whose first motivation is the client -- the staff are awesome!” -- Cathy Lamastrus, House Parent, Personal Support Group (PSP), Drug Rehabilitation Program, Lake Co. Regarding interagency collaboration -- “We are like family, a hand-in-hand partnership. The staff is very responsive to our needs and those of the young men who reside here, who want a respectable place to live. We all make sure of that.” -- Beverly Riley, Administrator, Rene’s Place Board and Care, Alameda County. * Quoted with permission.
Collaborators’ Views * Regarding cultural competency – “The leadership is very astute, sensitive, and really do set the right tone.” -- Dean Chambers, County Contract Monitor, Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services (ACBHCS) Regarding supporting clients’ skill development – “The case managers do a great job. They know how to relate to the clients and help them manage their finances so the clients become more independent. It’s a lot of work but necessary to prevent homelessness and crime.” -- Elsie Garcia, Director, Substitute Payee Program (SPP), Alameda County. * Quoted with permission
QI Projects * Recently Completed – Refinements to the Medication Management Process Enhancement of Supported Vocational Preparation and Access Currently Underway – Implementation of EQUIP & ART Groups to Reduce Client Aggression Crosswalk of TAYP principles & practices to Evidence-Based Practices *Part of the SBHG Total Quality Management Program
Please direct comments or questions to: Peter Zucker, Ph.D., V.P., Clinical Services Stars Behavioral Health Group Long Beach Regional Office 1501 Hughes Way Suite 150 Long Beach, CA., x108