Dumpster Diving and the Rhetorical Framework
Questions QUESTIONS ABOUT PURPOSE 1. Why does Eighner prefer the term scavenging to scrounging or foraging to characterize the process he analyzes? 2. In what-ways does Eighner's -analysis demonstrate that Dumpster diving is "a sound and honorable niche"? QUESTIONS ABOUT AUDIENCE 1. How does Eighner anticipate his 'audience's reaction to his subject by presenting the "predictable series of stages that a person goes through in learning to scavenge"? 2. How do Eighner's "scavenger ethics" enhance his standing with his readers? QUESTIONS ABOUT STRATEGIES I. How does Eighner use the example of pizza to illustrate the three principles of eating from a Dumpster? 2. How does Eighner's analysis of the process of "soda-can. scrounging" help distinguish that process from “scavenging"?
Organization/Structure/Form Transition Sentences: Especially important in Process Analysis Essays Examples: I prefer the term "scavenging" and use the word "scrounging" when I mean to be obscure. I like the frankness of the word "scavenging.“ Except for jeans, all my clothes come from Dumpsters. There are a predictable series of stages that a person goes through in learning to scavenge. This stage passes with experience. At this stage he may become lost and never recover. The finding of objects is becoming something of an urban art. But eating from Dumpsters is the thing that separates the dilettanti from the professionals. The area I frequent is inhabited by many affluent college students. Can scroungers will even go through individual garbage cans, something I have never seen a scavenger do. Occasionally a find tells a story.
Rhetorical Continuum Exigence Audience Purpose Pathos LOGOS Ethos What prompts the author to speak at that time? Exigence Audience Purpose Pathos LOGOS Ethos Organization/Structure/Form Figurative Language Imagery Syntax Diction To whom is the author writing? How does the author appeal to the audience? What does the author want to happen? What does the author want the audience to believe or do? Does the author show his credibility – that he knows relevant info about the topic? Is he believable? Does the author offer a clear, reasonable central idea? Does he develop it with appropriate reasoning, examples, or details? Does the author draw on the emotions and interests of the audience so they will sympathize and buy into his central idea or argument? “word pictures” that appeal to senses Descriptive language such as metaphor, simile, personification, symbol, etc. Word choice Sentence structure
Organization/Structure/Form Rhetorical Framework Exigence Audience Purpose Pathos LOGOS Ethos Organization/Structure/Form Figurative Language Imagery Syntax Diction
Rhetorical Triangle Speaker Audience Purpose