NETCARE – POLAR Two aircraft campaigns – summer 2014, spring 2015 (spring 2016 in proposal) Close collaboration with Alfred Wegener Institute (Andreas Herber) and Environment Canada. Additional collaborators (Johannes Schneider (MPI Mainz), Peter Hoor (U of Mainz) NSERC-CCAR funding facilitates Canadian university participation in flights with the POLAR aircraft, for the first time. As well, the funding has allowed for expansion of the POLAR6 instrumental capabilities. With pooled resources (NETCARE, AWI, EC), the POLAR6 aircraft campaigns are more extensive than originally planned: 90 hours in 2014 (60 in proposal), 110 hours in 2015 (60 in proposal). As well, the POLAR 5 will be flying in 2015 (110 hours) as part of PAMARCMIP for remote sensing studies. NETARE Co-Investigators Involved: Abbatt, Bertram, Blanchet, Jia, Martin, von Salzen Goals: Summer 2014 – i. Influence of natural processes on Arctic aerosol, ii. Ship emissions Spring 2015 – i. Pan-Arctic study of aerosol properties (including black carbon), ii. ice clouds (scavenging, formation, properties)
POLAR-6 Instrumentation in 2014 Gases NOx, SO2, O3 (all standard, slow instruments) CO (fast) CO 2 (Licor) Aerosol Particle size and number : CPC (number of particles larger than 10 nm, fast) UHSAS (70 nm to 1000 nm, fast) SMPS (10 to hundreds of nm, slow) Particle composition: ALABAMA – single particle mass spectrometer – all species, semi-quantitative, large particles SP-AMS – soot-particle aerosol mass spectrometer – sulfate, organics, BC, quantitative, > 100 nm SP-2 – single particle soot photometer – BC (70 nm and up BC inclusions) Optical properties: CLAP (like a PSAP) Nephelometer Clouds Droplet size and number: FSSP100, FSSP300 (fast) Liquid water content: Nevzorov Probe (fast) Ice Nuclei Filters collecting particles for subsequent IN analysis (slow) Others Sun photometer Meteorological parameters
Locations Resolute Bay
Topics for Discussion Potential overlap with Amundsen, for ship emissions work. What do we do if the Amundsen is not present? Are there opportunities to study flaring, perhaps in 2015? Typical flight profiles? How high should the profiles go? The instrument complement is essentially fixed. How important would be fast measurements of particle size below 100 nm? We may have the possibility of using a U Denver CPC spectrometer to give us 1 s measurements down to a few nm. We are only doing “standard” gases. How important would it be to measure DMS aloft, i.e. just a few grab samples per flight? Can we even do this? Do we do science on the ferry flights? One goal for the 2015 campaign is to assess how/if ice clouds scavenge BC. Use of a counter flow virtual impactor inlet (CVI) might allow us to do that; we have all the aerosol characterization instrumentation we need. Dan Cziczo (MIT) is interested in collaborating on this. Is it possible?