Most people have a favorite TV show or movie. Before you begin writing, think about a movie or TV show you love. Now write to explain to someone else WHY that is one of your favorites. Texas is not a place most people would call a “vacation spot” like Hawaii or Florida. But we have some pretty cool stuff here. Before writing, think about all the things someone from out of town might do if they vacationed in Texas. Now, write to explain why Texas would be a great place for people to take a vacation. Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Objective: Students will write procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. (6.17) Warm-Up: In the Writing section of your journal, pick a prompt or continue anything you have already started.
How-To Ideas 1.How to build a fire 2.Find shelter 3.Build a shelter 4.Find or make drinkable water 5.Make an SOS to alert rescuers 6.Eat a small animal 7.Catch a fish 8.Scavenge for edible berries and plants 9.Cook over a fire 10.Cook outdoors (breakfast, dinner, or even something special like a pizza) 11.Wash dishes without a dishwasher 12. How to tell if a snake is poisonous 13. How to find edible plants 14. How to build a teepee 15. How to build an igloo 16. How to build a lean-to shelter 17. How to make an igloo 18. How to make a compass 19. How to climb a tree 20. How to hike up a mountain 21. How to splint a broken bone 22. How to treat frostbite/ sunburn/bee sting 23. How to stop bleeding 24. How to perform CPR 25. How to pack a backpack 27. How to find good firewood 28. How to create an axe or other tool 29. How to make a bowl out of rock 30. How to make a pizza over a fire
How To Burn Down Your Shelter: Graphic Organizer Box 1: Introduction: Have you ever wanted to have a new house? If you’re out in the woods, you may decide that your shelter isn’t large or modern enough for you. Burning down your shelter will allow you to start fresh and build the shelter of your dreams. Box 2: The first step to burning down your shelter is gathering your materials. Box 3: Take out any furniture or supplies you want to keep. Box 4: Pour oil on the shelter. Box 5: Light a match and touch it to the leaves and wood. Box 6: Stand back as it burns. If you’re cold, this is a good way to get warm. Box 7: Safety issues… having water close by in case it gets out of control. Box 8: Conclusion: Now you can begin planning out how you will build your new home.
Revising Your 1 st Draft: Step One Take out the first draft of your procedural essay and pass it to the person on your right. Using the Expository Rubric, read over the paper in front of you and give it a 1, 2, 3 or 4. Think about: - Does the paper have a controlling idea? - Does the author give enough supporting details to support the controlling idea? - Is the information organized logically? - Does the author use sentence-to-sentence connections to provide coherence and flow? - Do transitions effectively link one idea to the next? - Is there an introduction that hooks the reader? Is there a conclusion that wraps it up and ends on a positive note? - Does the writer use proper writing conventions?
R – Reorder: Move information so the story flows better. A – Add: Add details to STRETCH out your story, paint a visual picture for your reader, and make it more interesting. D – Delete: Take out information that is unnecessary. A –And R – Replace: Replace boring verbs with exciting ones. Revising Your 1 st Draft: Step Two: RADAR
Complete an EKG chart for your paper. Use it to determine whether you have provided enough support for your controlling idea, and given enough information so that the reader may complete the task without ANY verbal instruction from you! Revising Your 1 st Draft: Step Three: EKG Step 4: Write your 2 nd draft in class on Thursday It is HW if you don’t finish in class on Thursday. You MUST be ready to edit on Friday in order to earn a 100 for Editing Circle!!