C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Updated by CNH Key Club District Treasurer & Member Relations California-Nevada-Hawaii District May 2013 Presented by: Club Building & Reactivation Johansen Pico, Treasurer Jeffrey Xiong, Member Relations
CNH | Training Topic: Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District FIND LEAD SERVE PRELIMINARY STEPS TO STARTING OUT
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP ONE: FIND Find: Find advisors, members, and meeting location o Keep your mind open! o Advisors help guide the club Faculty Advisors can be ANY faculty member No Kiwanis Sponsor? Great resource of hands-on experience o Reach out to ALL people! o Meeting location Classroom, theater, gym, etc. Suitable for club size
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP ONE: FIND There are many types of members that exist within the club. Active members = Active club Inactive members? No problem! o Encourage and motivate with incentives o Food, certificates, awards, etc. o Keep members interested! o Service Projects, Socials, etc. Members keep the club in good standing
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP ONE: FIND SPREAD THE WORD!
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP TWO: LEAD LEAD: Once you’ve laid the groundwork for your club, it’s time to get organized, file paperwork, train club leaders, and build enthusiasm!
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP TWO: LEAD ORGANIZE! o Club Bylaws o Elections / Club Board o Scheduling Meeting times, board meetings, etc. o Goals Service hours, member count, personal growth, etc. o Determine these components for a GOLDEN year
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP TWO: LEAD Chartering – Look at Other Resources for the URL 1.Find a Kiwanis Club within the division. 2.Order New Club Building Kit #1. 3.Begin filling out the Chartering Petition. 4.Meet with school administration. 5.Order New Club Building Kit #2. 6.Get an advisor and minimum of 15 members. 7.Finish filling out the chartering petition 8.Charter Presentation.
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP TWO: LEAD TRAIN! o Give clubs proper leadership training Remind officers of their duties Have experienced officers give input o Encourage attendance DCMs, RTC, OTC, etc. They will enjoy the events o Provide golden opportunities!
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District STEP THREE: SERVE SERVE Reach out to the community and make a difference through meaningful service projects Is your club ready to serve? o Start reaching out o Scavenge for various service projects o Brainstorm and plan many golden ideas o Lt. Governors should assist with this process to help them getting started
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District Think before you serve o Service is where community needs and member interests meet o Explore the possibilities! Take action o Empower yourself with liability information, project ideas and tips on working with youth
CNH | Training Topic: Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District 1) Types of suspended clubs: a. Suspended, Inactive b. Suspended, Charter Revoked 2) Suspended, simply pay dues before September 30 th 3) It is important that clubs send in money as soon as possible so they do not have to go through the process of reactivation. HOW to REACTIVATE a CLUB
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District 4) If not paid by Sept. 30 th, pay current year dues and an additional $100 5) Call the International Office for specific information on how to complete this step. KCI will also let them know if it has been too long and their charter is Revoked. KCI only would have this information since they handle this part of it.
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District Speak with sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs to schedule visitation and create an action plan Encourage students and teachers at clubs to take the initiative May have to train with Kiwanis Club to understand the obligations of sponsorship Once a club is reactivated, MAKE SURE THEY STAY ACTIVE! Train, train, train
CNH | Training Topic: Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District Member Resources Membership Update Center Kiwanis One Website ( ces/default.aspx?PageID=375) ces/default.aspx?PageID=375 School Administration Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Corresponding Lieutenant Governors Other Resources
CNH | Training Topic: District Club Building & Reactivation CNH Key Club District Go for the GOLD Questions? Further Questions: please contact us. Johansen Pico Jeffrey Xiong