Polar Bears, Sea Otters, and Manatees By Sam Wiernusz
Polarbearus Samus
Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus)
Polar bear habitat Largest bears on earth, with boars weighing 700-1500lbs Sows are half that size Live in the Arctic Circle
Polar bear diet Polar bears are carnivorous. Their main diet is seals, which they hunt from the edge of the sea ice, mainly near the seals breathing holes which they locate by scent. When the ice melts and it is harder for them to find food they live off of stored fat reserves. (Nature is not always pretty!)
Polar bear diet Although they prefer seals, when food is scarce they will scavenge with their immense sense of smell or will attempt to eat walruses and beluga whales, although it is difficult to subdue them. They are also known to eat muskox, reindeer, birds, eggs, rodents, shellfish, crabs, and other polar bears. They have been known to eat some vegetation, although it has really no beneficial factors.
Polar bears Mating habits Polar bears are polygynous. They meet mates at a good feeding ground in April and May, where males will fight for mating rights and get a mate. The pair will mate for 1 week. They fertilized eggs are suspended and the female eats up to half her body weight to prepare for giving birth. *Polar bears do not hibernate, they are active all year, except pregnant females who will go into a dormant state while pregnant.
Polar bears mating habits The female will dig a maternity den in snow drifts or permafrost in the fall and then go into dormancy. She will give birth to blind cubs between November and February. When they leave the den the cubs will weigh about 33lbs. At 2 ½ years of age they cubs are weaned and sent off on their own.
Polar bear fun facts Polar bears live up to 25 years They can swim! On average their swims are about 96 miles, however they can swim up to 220 miles! There are only about 20,000-25,000 left in the wild Status-threatened
Polar bear threats Sport hunting Global warming
Seaotterous samus
Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris)
Sea Otter Habitat Sea otters live in Pacific Ocean, off the coasts of North America and Asia.
Sea otter They have webbed feet, waterproof fur and nostrils and ears that close when they go in the water. They spend most of their time in the water, and sleep on their backs in the water usually, but will sometimes come up on land to sleep or rest.
Sea otter They grow to about 4 feet long and about 65 pounds, and can live to be 23 years old. They float on their backs anchored by seaweed.
Sea otter diet Sea otters eat sea urchins, mussels, crabs, clams, snails and many other marine species. They eat up to 25% of their body weight daily.
Sea otter mating habits Sea otters mate throughout the year, and have a gestation period of 6-8 months. They generally give birth to one pup but can give birth to twins, and they do it in the water!
Sea otter facts Only known mammal besides primates, birds and a few other species to use tools. Heaviest members of the weasel family Do not have blubber, they use dense fur to keep warm About 100,000 left in the wild Second smallest marine mammal Meticulously clean themselves Status-threatened
Manateeus samus
Manatees (A.K.A. the sea cow)
Manatees range There are three species of manatee, distinguished by where they live. They are the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis).
Manatee habitat Manatees live in shallow coastal waters and rivers. They use they front fins to drag themselves through shallow water and dense vegetation.
Manatee diet Manatees are nicknamed the sea cow because they are herbivorous and mostly just spend their time grazing on underwater vegetation. They can be 13 feet long and weigh up to 1,300 pounds and can eat 1/10 of their body weight a day. (So if the sea cow weighs 1300lbs, it eats about 130lbs of plants a day)
Manatee mating habits Manatees mate once every 2 years and produce only 1 offspring after a 12 month gestation period. The newborn calf is pushed up to the surface to breath by its mother for about the first hour of its life. It is weaned at about 12-18 months.
Manatee facts Can live up to 40 years in the wild Status-endangered Usually not very social, but can be in groups of 6 or less Due to their curious nature, boat propellers kill many of them Smart-can be comparable to a dolphin or porpoise Cannot live in waters under 60 degrees Fahrenheit
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