“Your Key To Success in Science” SCIENCE BINDER Mrs. Petit Grade 8 – Physical Science Mountview Middle School
A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & test A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you spot to keep everything. Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST !
The name of the course: – 8 th Grade Physical Science The class period that you have science: – 8-1 Red; for example The school year: 2014 – 2015 Your teacher: Mrs. Petit Your name: (self explanatory) ON the SPINE of your binder write “SCIENCE” My Name My Grade
Section Dividers The first section of your binder will be tabbed for “Lab Skills/Reference Sheets”. The second section of your binder will be tabbed for “Chapter Notes”. The third section of your binder will be tabbed for “Measurement”. The fourth section of your binder will be tabbed for “Motion/Forces”. The fifth section of your binder will be tabbed for “Energy”. The sixth section of your binder will be tabbed “Chemistry”
Put your “Author’s Page Template” in front of the Reference Tab. Put your “Table of Contents” Template in front of your “Notes Section”
Unit Goals/Essential Questions: Take the “Unit Goals/Essential Questions” handout for each unit. (There are 4) and GLUE this to the front of the divider for this unit. Unit 1: Measurement Essential Questions Unit Goals: EXAMPLE:
Step 5: Notes Section Put your lined paper here. You will keep all Power Point notes as well as Study Notes in this section of your binder. Number pages 0 – 50 now. Numbers go in the top corner. You must number each page as you go and record the number/content in your Table of Contents.
No RIPPED OUT pages or torn corners. No DOODLING that doesn’t relate to science. Binders should only be used for SCIENCE CLASS. Keep your binder organized!
Sample Author P a g e