The Keys to Success - Organization
The Three Ring Binder 1 to 1 ½ inch The front pocket is for papers that go to and from home. Rules, Affirmations, and Schedule go in front of the first tab. Papers are filed BEHIND the divider. Every paper has a place in your binder Keep the BOOK in notebook. Only remove papers from your notebook when the teacher has asked to collect them.
The Binder Continued... Use the metal tabs to open and close the rings. Pulling on the rings will break them making your notebook useless. When a hole in one of your notebook’s papers rip, repair it with scotch tape. Place the paper on your desk and tape over the hole. Lift the paper and wrap the paper on the other side. Use a hole punch and make a new hole.
Dividers When placed in a notebook, dividers are arranged in a top to bottom order. Start with the tab on the top right down to the tab on the bottom right. Again, papers are filed BEHIND the divider. When labeling divider tabs, write the subject on two tabs. Fold the tab. Folding allows the tab to stay in the slot.
Divider Names For Five Dividers: Math Social Studies Language Arts (Reading/Writing) Spelling Science/Health
Divider Names Continued... For Seven Dividers (two sets): Math Social Studies Reading Writing Spelling Science Health
Your Backpack Think of your backpack as your portable office. It should have the following items in it at all times as you will need these items both at home and at school. Colored Markers or Pencils Calculator Dictionary Extra pens, pencils Independent Reading Book Music Folder Science Folder
Your Backpack Continued... Pack your backpack at the conclusion of your homework period. File all papers in your notebook and then put your notebook and books in your backpack. Be sure papers that require a parent’s signature are signed and placed in the front pocket of your notebook. By preparing for school the night before, you won’t leave the things you need at home. Do not keep lose papers and junk in your backpack. By now, you should know where all your papers go. Papers you no longer need should be recycled.
How to Study for a Test Study at least three nights before a test as your brain can only process 20% to 25% of what you learn each day. Read your notes several times. Ask yourself questions. Review essential questions or lesson headings in your text. Determine the facts you need to memorize and memorize them. Your brain can only process up to five items at a time. Quiz yourself or have a parent quiz you. Get a good night’s sleep the day before a test.
The Thirty Second Rule Things that take less than 30 seconds to complete should be done at that time. Examples include the following: Putting the cap back on the toothpaste Clearing your plate/utensils after eating Putting dirty clothes in the hamper Putting belongings in their proper place Hanging your bath towel
The Thirty Second Rule Continued... If you follow the 30 second rule, your life stays organized. If not, your life could be chaotic, and you may lose things.
The Thirty Second Rule Continued... If you aren’t organized, here’s what to do: Take a weekend and go through your stuff and divide it into four piles – donations, recycling, trash, and keep. Find places for the items you’re keeping. For things you don’t want to lose –keys, wallet, glasses, etc. keep them in only one or two places always. Then follow the 30 second rule.
Stay Organized Consider making some of these points your goals when you set your affirmations at your conference. Good Luck!