RATIONALE Why should we raise student achievement? EXTERNAL MANDATES Indiana Public Law 221 Federal No Child Left Behind Act
FEDERAL SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM No Child Left Behind Elementary and Secondary Education Act Signed into law on January 8, 2002
To Meet AYP Indiana Improvement Intervals Year (Fall)EngMath 2002, 2003, , 2006, , 2009,
To Make AYP* – Yes in Every Box Eng / LAMath 2 nd Indicator 95% Test in E/LA 95% Test in Math Overall IEP LEP Econ Dis A. Indian Black Asian Hispanic White * AYP = Annual Yearly Progress
Title I Failure to Meet AYP # of Yrs AYP Not Met School in Improvement Consequence 1No 2 Yes 1st Year School Improvement Plan School Choice 3 Yes 2nd Year School Improvement Plan School Choice Supplemental Services 4 Yes 3rd Year School Improvement Plan School Choice Supplemental Services Corrective Action & Restructuring May include: Government take-over of the school Complete reorganization
ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS 1.Legal standards 2.School Improvement Plan 3.Student Achievement
PART ONE LEGAL STANDARDS Health and safety Minimum time requirements Staff to student ratios Curriculum offerings Instructional staff ISTEP participation Mandatory annual assessments Accurate & timely submissions of reports Annual performance report
PART TWO SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PL221 REQUIREMENTInSAI REPORT Description & location of curriculumCurriculum Force Field Report Title & description of assessmentsAssessment Force Field Report Mission, vision or beliefsVision Statement Parent ParticipationParent Participation Strategy Technology as a learning toolTechnology Strategy Safe / disciplined environmentSafe / Disciplined Strategy Goals for attendanceAttendance Strategy Goals for ISTEPISTEP Data Target Goals for graduation rateGraduation Rate Data Targets Areas needing improvementAreas of Concern
PART TWO (cont.) SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PL221 REQUIREMENTInSAI REPORT Benchmarks for progressAchievement Data Targets Provisions to offer Core 40 and Honors Diploma courses Core 40 Course Strategy Encouragement for Core 40 and Honors Diploma Courses Core 40 Encouragement Strategy Professional Development Professional Development in every strategy plan Cultural competencyCultural competency strategy Statutes and rules to be waivedEnvironment Force Field Report Three-year timelineOne-year timeline
ONE READ Department of Education review of the plan is not required IF school implements a quality-focused planning process such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for Education, a national or regional accreditation agency that the State Board has approved, or a planning model the State Board has approved.
PART THREE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOL PERFORMANCE % of all ISTEP tests that are passing All subjects All grade levels SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Increase in the % of all ISTEP tests that are passing Non-mobile group (70% of previous year) 3-year rolling average
Improvement Performance Exemplary Progress Commend- able Progress Academic Progress Academic Watch (Priority) Academic Probation * (High Priority) ≥ 90% Exemplary School ≥ 80%≥ 1% Commendable School ≥ 70%≥ 3%≥ 2%≥ 1%< 1% ≥ 60%≥ 4%≥ 3%≥ 2%< 2% ≥ 50%≥ 5%≥ 4%≥ 3%< 3%< 0% ≥ 40%≥ 6%≥ 5%≥ 4%< 4%< 1% <40%≥ 6%≥ 5%≥ 3%< 3% School Performance & Improvement Categories
PL221 Link to No Child Left Behind Schools that do not make AYP for two consecutive years cannot be placed in top two categories.
Probation Category Consequences Consequence 1st Year State notifies school School issues public notice School holds a public hearing Committee revises the school’s plan School may request state board to appoint outside team to manage school or help develop a plan (school immediately moves to third year consequence) 3rd year after initial placement State assigns expert team to the school 5th year after initial placement State holds public hearing in the school corp State may opt to: merge the school with a nearby school assign a management team other options including closing the school revise the school’s plan
CENTRAL OFFICE REQUIREMENTS Areas of Concern Achievement Data Targets Strategies
EXTERNAL REQUIREMENTS required by optional programs Title I NCA Accreditation Grants
RATIONALE Why should we raise student achievement? EXTERNAL MANDATES Indiana Public Law 221 Federal No Child Left Behind Act