Welcome to 8 th Grade Math Mrs. Cates
The man ignorant of mathematics will be increasingly limited in his grasp of the main forces of civilization. - John Kemeny
Supplies 1 inch 3-ring binder – HARD COVER
Supplies 1 inch 3-ring binder – HARD COVER Pencil
Supplies 1 inch 3-ring binder – HARD COVER Pencil Agenda
Mathematics is the cheapest science. Unlike physics or chemistry, it does not require any expensive equipment. All one needs for mathematics is a pencil and paper. - George Polya
Calculator usage In general, calculators will not be used except for special problems and lessons.
Calculator usage Problems that allow a calculator will be marked on the assignment sheet.
Calculator usage Assignments completed with a calculator when not allowed will be counted as incomplete and will receive partial credit after it is re-worked within 24 hours.
Do not worry too much about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you that mine are still greater. - Albert Einstein
Assignments All given assignments are due the next day, unless otherwise noted.
Assignments All work, as shown in class during notes, is to be shown for credit.
Assignments All work is done in pencil...if done in pen, it will be re-done within 24 hours for partial credit.
Assignments Credit is given for the work you show, so….
The primary question was not what do we know, but how do we know it. - Aristotle
Tests Tests and quizzes will be given throughout any unit that is being covered.
Tests All assignments at that point must be completed before a quiz/test can be taken.
Vocabulary Weekly vocabulary tests will be given on Wednesdays (day subject to change as needed).
Vocabulary Any items missed on a weekly vocabulary test will be written (word and definition) 10 times each before the next vocabulary test can be taken (T-N-T’s).
Absences When you are absent, your assignment will be placed in the blue pocket pouch, sorted by hour. Please pick up your work when you return, and see me regarding the completion of it and a due date.
Grades Assignments = 20%
Grades Assignments = 20% Vocabulary/Quiz= 20%
Grades Assignments = 20% Vocabulary/Quiz= 20% Test= 50%
Grades Assignments = 20% Vocabulary/Quiz= 20% Test= 50% Final= 10%
Grades Assignments = 20% Vocabulary/Quiz= 20% Test= 50% Final= 10% Total= 100%
Extra Credit
Classroom Rules Don’t do anything stupid!
Stupid is as stupid does. - Forrest Gump
Things to bring to class every day Agenda 3-ring binder pencil assignment
Discipline A check mark will be given each time you come to class without required materials (pencil, notebook, etc.).
Discipline A check mark will be given if it is necessary for you to leave class to go to the restroom (subject to teacher discretion).
Discipline 3 check marks = 15 minute detention after school.
Discipline After a detention is served, the check marks will start over.
Books The book checked out today is to be taken home for the year.
Math 3 book online… - Kansas - student - Mathematics - Applications & Concepts - Course 3, 2004 edition - online student edition (bookmark this page) username: mac304 password:C6enesujak
Algebra 1 book online… - online student edition (bookmark this page) username: alg105 password: beP8emEk
Books Books will be provided in the classroom when needed.
Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country. - David Hilljert
Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. It is knowledge itself. - Plato
Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences. - Roger Bacon
Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics. - Dean Schlicter
Math – Just do it!