Relevant and Engaging Social Studies Projects
Team Members Jennifer Trittschuh Rebecca Strickler Jeff Kallas Dave Walker Sandy Adams Darla Dunlap
The Team Our team consisted teachers with a variety of experiences and specializations. We had three high school social studies teachers, an elementary social studies teacher and a special education teacher. I believe that this diversity was a strength. Each member was able to bring ideas, knowledge, and insight based on the needs of the students they serve. In addition, each teacher brought knowledge of his or her standards.
Project Aims 1. Increase standardized test scores and the overall rating of the district 2. Create a binder of information, materials, and tools to help teachers 3. Encourage teachers to use relevant and engaging social studies projects
High Schools That Work Two of the High Schools That Work Key Practices were addressed with this grant. Teachers working together: encourage teams of teachers to meet and find ways to help students succeed in challenging academic studies. Students actively involved: encourage students to be involved in “rigorous and challenging proficient-level assignments.” In our binder, we included two High Schools That Work Internet articles to help serve as justification for our project and to encourage the teachers that read them to try or continue to utilize relevant and engaging social studies projects.
Learning Pyramid for Average Retention Rate Lecture 5% Reading 10% Audio-visual 20% Demonstration 30% Discussion 50% Practice by Doing 75% Teach Other 90%
Why use projects? When asked to remember a meaningful learning experience from school, most adults will remember a project When students are asked about their best work they will also tell you it was a project Projects make material memorable and meaningful students take pride in work that has been challenging and relevant
Projects come in all shapes and sizes Poems Posters PowerPoint Presentation Radio Report Scripts Song Timeline Brochure Cartoon Chart Collage Comic strip Venn Diagrams Video Games Graph Booklets Map Mobile Mural Postcard Web Crossword Drawing flowchart
The Binder incentives to use relevant engaging activities springboards for catching students’ attention to begin a new lesson projects that can be used as they are or can be adapted learning games and review games assessment tools graphic organizers websites for teachers and students
How to use the binder Find and use ready-made materials If a teacher still cannot find just what they are looking for, we hope that this binder will spark new ideas. The materials in this binder can and should be adapted to fit content- standards and grade levels.
Our wish that teachers will be inspired to use relevant and engaging social studies projects That they will find that this binder is a valuable, time-saving tool